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Dictionary English German: living

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ADJ   living | - | -
NOUN1   a living | livings
NOUN2   living | -
VERB  to live | lived | lived
living | lives
SYNO   living | surviving | life | living ... 
living {adj}
living {adj} {pres-p} [existing]
RealEst. living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. room, quarters, area]
biol. spec. living {adj}rezent
living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. conditions, environment, processes, situation, standard]Lebens- [z. B. Umstände, Umfeld, Prozesse, Situation, Standard]
living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. donor, transplantation]Lebend- [z. B. Spender, Spende]
living [livelihood]
Lebensunterhalt {m}
Leben {n}
living [livelihood]
Unterhalt {m}
living [way of living]
Lebensweise {f}
living [way of earning one's living]
Broterwerb {m}
living [livelihood]
Brot {n} [fig.]
relig. living [benefice]
Pfründe {f}
hist. relig. living [Br.] [ecclesiastical position with a secure income]Benefiziat {m}
the living {pl}die Lebenden {pl}
2 Words: Others
clean-living {adj}anständig
clean-living {adj}keusch
clean-living {adj}sauber
fast-living {adj}flott [lebenslustig]
zool. free-living {adj}freilebend
zool. free-living {adj}wildlebend [freilebend]
living abroad {adj} [postpos.]im Ausland lebend
living alone {adj} [postpos.]alleinstehend [allein lebend]
living onfortlebend
living together {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]zusammenlebend
long-living {adj}langlebig
loose-living {adj}verkommen
non-living {adj}nichtlebend
short-living {adj}kurzlebig
worth living {adj} [postpos.]lebenswert
2 Words: Verbs
to remain living [e.g. in a house]wohnen bleiben [z. B. in einem Haus]
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (church) living [benefice]Pfarrstelle {f}
assisted livingbetreutes Wohnen {n}
bare livingknapper Lebensunterhalt {m}
relig. church livingKirchenpfründe {f}
comfortable livingauskömmliches Einkommen {n}
decent livingangemessenes Auskommen {n}
decent livinghinreichendes Einkommen {n}
decent livingmenschenwürdiges Leben {n}
delicate livingweichliches Leben {n}
extravagant livingaufwändige Lebenshaltung {f}
extravagant livingaufwendige Lebenshaltung {f}
family living [family life]Familienleben {n} [Art, wie Familien leben]
good livingWohlleben {n}
gracious livingein kultivierter Lebensstil {m}
zool. group livingGruppenleben {n}
high livingSchwelgerei {f}
constr. living accommodation {sg}Wohnunterkünfte {pl}
living areaWohnbereich {m}
RealEst. living areaWohnfläche {f}
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A 2024-09-22: "living rock" - "gewachsener Fels" bedeutet "Fels im Naturzustand" im Ge...
Q 2024-09-19: hewn from living rock
Q 2023-07-03: Struggling with the cost of living?
A 2022-12-29: When he learnt that I was living in Mainz, he shared some of his memories ...
A 2022-06-11: living environment, living style, living ambience
A 2022-06-11: living accessories?
A 2021-10-15: Speaking as a young person living in the German speaking world, I’ve never...
A 2020-05-02: "I have been living here all my life" versus "I have lived here all my life"
A 2020-03-02: ... choreographers who put living conditions to dance
A 2019-09-13: A WHAT??? number? FAX? Still living in the eighties?
A 2018-10-26: an object that may be endowed with a living soul
A 2018-03-16: No dictionary entry beyond Oxford +Living+ Dictionaries / English
A 2017-12-20: Living donor liver transplantation versus deceased donor liver transplantation
Q 2017-12-20: Deceased Kidney Reimplantation versus Living Kidney Reimplantation
A 2016-11-21: Maybe: More than a hundred cultures are currently living in Toronto.
A 2016-09-15: +coherencia de vida+ Living consistently up to one's principles (in this c...
A 2016-03-11: Johann Gottlieb Lohse, probably living near Budiffen, Germany about 1870.
A 2016-02-03: Muggle, Hogwarts, living
Q 2015-12-11: am living
Q 2015-11-29: coverage and life wills / living wills

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