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English-German translation for: loaded
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Dictionary English German: loaded

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VERB  to load | loaded | loaded/archaic loaden ... 
SYNO   laden | ladened | loaded | affluent ... 
loaded {adj} [pred.] [coll.] [wealthy, rich]
stinkreich [ugs.]
loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [drunk]
tech. loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} {past-p}
sb. loaded
jd. lud
loaded {adj} {past-p}
photo. loaded {adj} {past-p} [e.g. film in camera]
loaded {adj} {past-p}
loaded {adj} [coll.] [wealthy]gut gepolstert [ugs.] [hum.] [fig.] [viel Geld besitzend]
sb. loadedjd. belud
2 Words: Others
air-loaded {adj}luftbelastet [Maschinenbau]
tech. axially loaded {adj}axial belastet
weapons belt-loaded {adj}mit Gurtzuführung [nachgestellt]
naut. deeply loaded {adj} [ship, barge, etc.]schwer beladen [Schiff, Lastkahn etc.]
fully loaded {adj} {past-p}voll beladen
heavily loaded {adj}schwer belastet
heavily loaded {adj}stark beansprucht
heavily loaded {adj} [vehicle, pack animal]schwer bepackt [Fahrzeug, Lasttier]
constr. tech. highly loaded {adj}hochbelastet
tech. highly loaded {adj}stark beansprucht [stark belastet]
tech. highly loaded {adj}stark belastet
loaded up {adj} {past-p}beladen
comp. loaded up {past-p}hochgeladen
loaded withvollgeladen mit
tech. spring-loaded {adj}angefedert [vorgespannt]
tech. spring-loaded {adj}federbelastet
tech. spring-loaded {adj}federgelagert
tech. spring-loaded {adj}federunterstützt
tech. spring-loaded {adj}gefedert
tech. spring-loaded {adj}unter Federspannung [nachgestellt]
tech. spring-loaded {adj}mit Sprungfeder / Sprungfedern [nachgestellt]
theory-loaded {adj}theorielastig
thermally loaded {adj}wärmebeansprucht [belastet]
2 Words: Verbs
to be loaded [coll.] [have a lot of money]schwerreich sein [ugs.]
to be loaded [esp. Am.] [coll.] [be drunk]einen geladen haben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [betrunken sein]
weapons to have sth. loadedetw. geladen haben
2 Words: Nouns
games loaded dicegezinkte Würfel {pl}
games loaded dicemanipulierte Würfel {pl}
games loaded diegezinkter Würfel {m}
games loaded diemanipulierter Würfel {m}
naut. loaded displacementWasserverdrängung {f} [in vollbeladenem Zustand]
naut. loaded draft [Am.]Tiefgang {m} eines beladenen Schiffes
naut. loaded draught [Br.]Tiefgang {m} eines beladenen Schiffes
weapons loaded gungeladene Waffe {f}
weapons loaded pistolgeladene Pistole {f}
loaded questionFangfrage {f}
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A 2023-05-31: utilised / loaded to (full) capacity
A 2019-03-14: "loaded" is classical crime noir slang, probably only in US. Just perfect....
Q 2018-03-19: B1-Deutsch Vocabulary loaded in dictc?
Q 2015-09-03: Loaded pay rate
A 2014-11-27: When the project file is loaded again the counter resumes counting from it...
Q 2013-09-16: It will be cyclically loaded at 100 N for 100 k cycles
Q 2013-03-01: 'loaded on the truck' - What is the right word for that in German?
A 2013-02-02: "Law-abiding citizen" always was and still is a loaded term.
A 2013-01-16: My beef was with "mechanical strain." The belt's very purpose is to be lo...
A 2012-07-28: I hear 'Cause I'm loaded all the time,' but I might have been listening in...
A 2012-05-23: scharfe Waffen - guns / weapons loaded with live / ball / service ammunition
Q 2012-02-27: spring-loaded water faucet
A 2010-05-02: loaded ?
A 2010-03-17: Yeah, but you'll never achieve the same connotations for such a culturally...
A 2010-01-06: Agree with chambers of commerce / trade associations, but these can be loa...
A 2009-11-30: apart from the always emotionally loaded debate / discussion ... s.th. is ...
Q 2009-11-17: Daten werden geladen (data are loaded oder data are loading)
Q 2009-10-20: Übersetzung für "long-throw woofers", "horn-loaded tweeters", "bi-amplifie...
A 2009-08-20: small volume loaded with content?
A 2009-06-25: Loaded

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