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English-German translation for: loads
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Dictionary English German: loads

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
NOUN   a load | loads
VERB  to load | loaded | loaded/archaic loaden
loading | loads
sb./sth. loads
jd./etw. lädt
Belastungen {pl}
loads [of sth.]
Berge {pl} [Unmengen]
Ladungen {pl}
2 Words
loads of {adj} [coll.]massenhaft [ugs.] [sehr viele]
loads of sth. [coll.] [e.g. time, money]unheimlich viel (an) etw. [z. B. Zeit, Geld]
Thanks loads. [coll.]Tausend Dank! [ugs.]
aerodynamic loads {pl}Luftkraftbelastung {f}
transp. axle loadsAchslasten {pl}
constr. tech. dead loadsruhende Lasten {pl} [Totlasten]
electr. electrical loadselektrische Verbraucher {pl} [Bauteile, Elektrogeräte usw.]
electr. external loadsFremdverbraucher {pl}
heavy loadsSchwerlasten {pl}
loads of [coll.]eine Menge {f}
comm. insur. transp. part loadsTeilladungen {pl}
part loads {pl}Stückelfracht {f}
tax loadsSteuerlasten {pl}
archi. constr. wind loadsWindkräfte {pl}
3 Words
at all loads {adv}bei jeder Belastung
loads of times {adv} [coll.]zigmal [ugs.]
to carry heavy loadsschwere Lasten tragen
loads {pl} of time [coll.]jede Menge {f} Zeit [ugs.]
4 Words
electr. centralized telecontrol (of loads) [IEC 60050]zentrale Laststeuerung {f} [IEC 60050]
tech. sum of all loadsSumme {f} aller Belastungen
5+ Words
balancing of the worker's loadsLeistungsabstimmung {f}
tech. permanently installed and movable loadsfeste und bewegliche Verbraucher {pl}
transp. proper securing of the cargo / loadsordnungsgemäße Ladungssicherung {f}
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Q 2022-06-21: to switch power to loads
Q 2019-09-25: dict.cc always loads uncentred on my screen -
A 2013-08-04: @Windfall Du hast recht: loads of something on top wird nicht 'gefüllt' ge...
A 2013-07-28: ... there IS a lot to do/much to do/loads to do, just get on with it.
A 2013-03-11: It's crazy when you recover loads of photos of yourself at age 14 in your ...
A 2013-03-01: and loads of other words ..... more work for disambiguation .... get s...
A 2012-09-03: If it's transport, i.e. logistics, then they mean prearranged return loads.
A 2012-02-19: conception ? alleinstehend .... loads of words are doppel-moppel .....
A 2011-11-12: Agree with everyone. If there are many ("a plurality of") such loads,
A 2011-04-07: at Michael: thanks you loads - you are right, it is "chaRge card" - I gues...
Q 2011-01-12: The first factor loads high on the shares and rate of employment in services.
A 2010-12-15: ...that occur when switching inductive loads...
A 2010-08-19: perhaps: the discharge of thermal loads by means of ventilation alone
A 2010-06-23: there are loads of them ......
A 2010-05-09: Standing under suspended loads is prohibited
Q 2010-03-16: dropped fetlock/dropped pastern (syndrom) - Thank you loads mwk, that's wh...
A 2009-12-18: yeaph - love you loads ...
A 2009-11-07: reactive loads sind Blindlasten ( = Lasten, bei denen ein Blindstrom fließt)
A 2009-10-09: Thank you loads mwk! Now I have to figure out what we would call it in the...
A 2009-10-06: movie featuring with loads of bizarre/odd/freaky? jalopies with lots of ho...

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