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English-German translation for: loaf
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Dictionary English German: loaf

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
NOUN   a loaf | loaves
VERB  to loaf | loafed | loafed ... 
SYNO   loaf | loaf of bread
to loaf
to loaf
to loaf
herumlungern [ugs.]
to loafZeit verschwenden
gastr. loaf
Laib {m}
gastr. loaf [of bread]
Brot {n} [Laib, Wecken]
gastr. loaf [of bread]
Brotlaib {m}
gastr. loaf [oblong]
Wecken {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [längliches Brot, meist 1 kg]
gastr. loaf [small]
Weckerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
loaf [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: loaf of bread = head]
[Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Kopf]
2 Words: Verbs
to loaf aboutherumbummeln
to loaf about [coll.]gammeln [ugs.]
to loaf aroundrumlungern [ugs.]
to loaf around [Am.] [coll.]sich herumflezen [ugs.]
to loaf around [coll.]gammeln [ugs.] [herumhängen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. brown loafLaib {m} Schwarzbrot
gastr. cheese loafKäselaib {m}
gastr. cottage loafLandbrot {n}
gastr. currant loafRosinenbrot {n}
gastr. French loaf [Br.]Baguette {n} [auch {f}]
gastr. fruit loafFrüchtestollen {m}
gastr. granary loafKörnerbrot {n}
gastr. granary loafVollkornbrot {n}
gastr. jellied loafSülze {f}
gastr. loaf panKastenform {f}
gastr. loaf sugarHutzucker {m}
gastr. loaf tinBrotbackform {f}
gastr. loaf tin [12 - 14 inch]Königskuchenform {f} [Kastenform]
gastr. malt loafMalzbrot {n}
gastr. marzipan loafMarzipanbrot {n}
gastr. meat loafHackbraten {m}
gastr. meat loaffalscher Hase {m}
gastr. meat loafFalscher Hase {m}
gastr. nut loafNussstollen {m}
gastr. plaited loafZopf {m} [Gebäck]
gastr. plaited loafZüpfe {f} [schweiz.] [Zopf]
gastr. rye loafRoggenbrot {n} [Laib]
gastr. sandwich loafKastenbrot {n} [Toastbrot]
gastr. small loafLaibchen {n} [österr.]
gastr. sugar loafZuckerhut {m}
gastr. tin loafKastenbrot {n}
wheatgerm loafWeizenkeimbrot {n}
gastr. white loafweißer Laib {m}
gastr. wholemeal loafLaib {m} Vollkornbrot
3 Words: Others
Use your loaf! [coll.]Denk doch mal nach!
3 Words: Verbs
to loaf about / around [Br.] [coll.]lungern [ugs.]
idiom to pinch a loaf [Am.] [vulg.]ein Häuflein machen [ugs.]
to use one's loaf [Br.] [coll.]sein Gehirn einschalten [ugs.]
to use one's loaf [Br.] [coll.]seine Birne einschalten [salopp]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (minced) meat loafFleischkäse {m}
gastr. loaf of breadBrotlaib {m}
gastr. loaf of bread [round]Laib {m} Brot
gastr. loaf of cheeseKäselaib {m}
gastr. loaf of cheeseLaib {m} Käse [länglich oder rund]
geogr. Sugar Loaf MountainZuckerhut {m} [in Rio de Janeiro]
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. beef and pork loafFleischkäse {m}
gastr. beef and pork loafLeberkäse {m}
heel of the loafBrotendstück {n}
gastr. loaf of wholemeal breadLaib {m} Vollkornbrot
5+ Words: Others
proverb Half a loaf is better than none.Wenig ist besser als nichts.
5+ Words: Verbs
gastr. to brush milk on a loafeinen Laib mit Milch bepinseln
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. half a loaf (of bread)halber Laib (Brot) {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Matter of Loaf and Death [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitAuf Leben und Brot
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. gastr. T
bot. gastr. T
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A 2020-06-01: I call both the crust, which can also mean the whole outside of a loaf,
Q 2015-04-05: barley loaf
A 2014-03-03: You can't replace loaf with bread in those sentences.
Q 2014-03-03: Can I say bread instead of loaf? If not, why
A 2012-10-14: Should we enter fruit and nut loaf?
A 2011-04-27: Ich dachte immer, "meat loaf" sei Hackbraten?
A 2011-04-27: meat loaf sandwich
A 2010-11-10: it's just unfried meat loaf
A 2009-01-02: Wallace & Grommit ... sorry you have to wait ... a cereal killer - A Mat...
A 2008-09-24: Stiglmeier puts it this way: Leberkaese (cooked beef & pork loaf)
A 2008-05-26: It's obviously half a loaf of hemp bread, filled with turkey ragout or ewe...
A 2007-09-12: I would translate it simply with "meat loaf"
A 2007-03-16: rindless cheese loaf maturing
A 2006-04-23: Das ist ein plattdeutscher Ausdruck für "Brot". "Loaf of bread"

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loaf of bread
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