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English-German translation for: loan
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Dictionary English German: loan

Translation 1 - 50 of 513  >>

English German
NOUN   a loan | loans
VERB  to loan | loaned | loaned ... 
SYNO   to lend | to loan | loan | loanword
to loan
to loan
to loan sb. sth.
jdm. etw. leihen
to loan
überlassen [leihen]
to loan sb. sth.jdm. etw.Akk. darleihen [veraltet]
to loan sb. sth.etw. an jdn. verleihen
fin. loan
Darlehen {n}
fin. loan
Kredit {m}
fin. loan
Anleihe {f}
loan [item on loan]
Leihgabe {f}
Leihe {f}
Ausleihe {f}
fin. loan
Darlehensschuld {f}
ling. loan [translation]
Entlehnung {f}
2 Words: Others
on loan {adv}leihweise
fin. on loan {adv}als Darlehen
on loan {adv}auf Leihbasis
fin. on loan {adj} [loaned]geliehen
2 Words: Verbs
sports to loan out [a player]ausleihen
2 Words: Nouns
law (loan) defaultTerminverlust {m} [österr.]
fin. absorption loanAbschöpfungsanleihe {f}
fin. accommodation loanÜberbrückungskredit {m}
fin. insur. actuarial loanVersicherungsdarlehen {n}
fin. additional loanneues Darlehen {n}
fin. additional loanzusätzliches Darlehen {n}
fin. adjustment loanAnpassungsdarlehen {n}
agr. fin. agricultural loanlandwirtschaftliches Darlehen {n}
fin. aid loanEntwicklungshilfekredit {m}
fin. amortisation loan [Br.]Tilgungsdarlehen {n}
fin. amortization loanTilgungsdarlehen {n}
fin. annuity loanAnnuitätendarlehen {n}
fin. annuity loanAnnuitätsdarlehen {n}
fin. assistance loanHilfskredit {m}
fin. bad loanProblemkredit {m}
fin. bad loanfauler Kredit {m} [ugs.]
fin. bad loanfaules Darlehen {n} [ugs.]
fin. bad loannotleidender Kredit {m}
fin. bank loanBankdarlehen {n}
fin. bank loanBankkredit {m}
fin. bargain loanKredit {m} zu besonders günstigen Bedingungen
fin. naut. bottomry loan [dated]Bodmereidarlehen {n}
fin. bridge loanBrückenfinanzierung {f}
fin. bridge loanÜberbrückungsdarlehen {n} [Brückenfinanzierung]
fin. bridge loanÜberbrückungskredit {m}
fin. bridge loanZwischenkredit {m}
fin. bridging loanÜberbrückungsdarlehen {n}
fin. bridging loanÜberbrückungskredit {m}
fin. bridging loanZwischendarlehen {n}
fin. bridging loanZwischenkredit {m}
fin. broker's loanMaklerdarlehen {n}
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A 2021-06-04: +Buchkredit+ in the sense of +loan+ and +book credit+ are false friends
A 2021-06-04: Any loan puts your bank account into the negative, which also goes for +Gi...
A 2021-06-04: You may have been on the right track all along: Kontokorrentkredit > loan ...
Q 2020-01-04: Translation required for "Returned from Loan"
Q 2017-06-06: Loan maturity = Kreditlaufzeit?
Q 2017-03-06: loan offer
A 2016-06-03: Loan repayment in 72 hours
A 2016-03-06: Please declare the loan amount possibly including a loan to be redeemed
A 2016-01-31: new German loan word?
A 2015-11-21: Personal Loan Offer
Q 2015-01-11: advance, loan, facility
Q 2014-11-14: credit loan account
A 2014-03-31: uffie - a student loan is what students in the UK get these days...
A 2014-01-26: loan(ing) of draft (AE) animals
A 2014-01-23: The matured loan can be paid off using the cash surplus from economic acti...
Q 2013-10-08: bank loan tie
Q 2013-08-14: Base Rate loan
A 2013-03-31: one-time personal loan ??
A 2013-01-06: dict.cc does not provide a forum for loan offers

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