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English-German translation for: locally
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Dictionary English German: locally

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
SYNO   locally | topically
locally {adv}
locally {adv}
gebietsweise [nach Gebieten]
locally {adv}
locally {adv}bauseitig [örtlich]
locally {adv}standörtlich
locally {adv}vor Ort
locally {adv}auf lokaler Ebene
2 Words: Others
math. locally compact {adj}lokalkompakt
math. locally compact {adj}lokal kompakt [Rsv.]
math. locally connected {adj}lokal zusammenhängend
math. locally convex {adj}lokalkonvex
math. locally integrable {adj}lokal integrierbar
locally known {adj}ortsbekannt
locally limited {adj} {past-p}lokal begrenzt
locally limited {adj} {past-p}örtlich begrenzt
locally precise {adj}ortsgenau
locally produced {adj}lokal hergestellt
locally restricted {adj} {past-p}lokal begrenzt
2 Words: Verbs
to advertise sth. locallyetw. lokal anbieten
to commute locallyim Nahverkehr pendeln
econ. to manufacture sth. locallyetw.Akk. vor Ort produzieren
to sell locallyam Ort verkaufen
3 Words: Others
math. locally path-connected {adj}lokal wegzusammenhängend
math. locally pathwise connected {adj}lokal wegzusammenhängend
3 Words: Nouns
math. locally compact spacelokalkompakter Raum {m} [auch: lokal kompakter Raum]
math. locally convex spacelokalkonvexer Raum {m}
comp. locally declared variablelokal deklarierte Variable {f}
mil. locally employed civilian [local employee of the foreign forces stationed in the federal republic of Germany]lokaler Zivilangestellter {m} [örtlicher Mitarbeiter der in der BRD stationierten ausländischen Truppen]
mil. locally employed civilian [native employee of military forces abroad]lokaler Zivilangestellter {m} [einheimischer Angestellter von Streitkräften im Ausland]
agr. locally grown fruitObst {n} aus der Region
agr. locally grown vegetables {pl}Gemüse {n} aus der Region [Sammelbegriff]
sports locally trained player [UEFA]lokal ausgebildeter Spieler {m}
4 Words: Others
sth. must be obtained locallyetw. ist örtlich zu beschaffen
Think globally, act locally. <TGAL>Denke global, handle vor Ort.
5+ Words: Verbs
gastr. travel TrVocab. to be the best / prime / top hotel locally [also: to be the most exquisite / most luxurious local hotel]das erste / beste Haus am Platz sein
5+ Words: Nouns
math. locally convex topological vector space <LCTVS>lokalkonvexer topologischer Vektorraum {m}
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A 2019-04-30: Locally pronounced /hʌl/
Q 2018-02-03: locally
A 2014-08-11: Locally a complete bust, so far.
A 2013-08-21: local / locally
A 2013-02-02: ... and locally
A 2012-08-17: Add me to that. Stopped voting locally years ago; will not vote this comin...
A 2012-06-28: nativ = wo etwas herkommt >native> daher würde ich Dein 'locally' nehmen.
A 2012-03-23: I understand it as double duty, with one exercised locally and the other r...
A 2010-03-02: ... +provide for+ customer proximity, unbureaucratic processes and the +ab...
A 2010-03-02: ... and the ability needed to take competent decisions locally
A 2009-10-26: locally: 5 Aussprachen
A 2009-03-05: locally rooted patriotism
A 2008-08-26: 'locally owned' is used often if the emphasis is on being part of the community.
Q 2008-07-18: English style: to +locally+ support their clients or +to support their cli...
A 2008-04-21: locally experienced
Q 2008-04-21: regional-erfahren, locally experienced
A 2008-01-14: You might say: drawing up contracts locally
A 2007-08-26: In AD 1284 a pied piper led 130 locally born children out of Hameln who we...
A 2007-01-27: acts locally
A 2006-11-24: coined locally?

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