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Dictionary English German: longer

Translation 1 - 50 of 136  >>

English German
ADJ   long | longer | longest
SYNO   longer | thirster | yearner
longer {adj}
longer {adj}
longer [rare]Sehnender {m}
2 Words: Others
any longer {adv}weiterhin
longer lasting {adj}länger anhaltend
longer-range {adj}längerfristig
longer-serving {adj}länger dienend
longer-term {adj}längerfristig
much longer {adj}noch länger
no longer {adv}nimmer [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [nicht mehr]
no longernicht mehr
2 Words: Verbs
to become longerlänger werden
to last longer [be more durable]haltbarer sein
2 Words: Nouns
longer life [of a thing]höhere Lebensdauer {f}
3 Words: Others
a little longer {adj} {adv}ein wenig länger
a while longer {adv}etwas länger
a while longer {adv}noch eine Weile
for longer periods {adv}längerfristig
How much longer?Wie lange noch?
longer by half {adj} [postpos.]um die Hälfte länger
longer than expected {adj} {adv}länger als erwartet
longer than necessary {adv} {adj}länger als notwendig
no longer applicable {adj} [postpos.]weggefallen [Regel, Vorschrift etc.]
comm. no longer availablenicht mehr zu haben [bereits verkauft]
comm. no longer available {adj} [often postpos.]nicht mehr lieferbar
no longer available {adj} [postpos. or pred.]nicht mehr vorhanden [nicht mehr zu haben]
no longer employednicht mehr berufstätig
no longer manufactured {adj}nicht mehr hergestellt
no longer needed {adj}nicht mehr gebraucht
no longer offered {adj}nicht mehr angeboten
no longer presentnicht mehr vorhanden
no longer requiredentfällt / entfallen (ersatzlos) [z. B. ein Arbeitsschritt]
no longer requirednicht mehr benötigt
no longer required {adj}nicht mehr erforderlich
no longer than sth. {adj} [pred.]nicht länger als etw.
no longer used {adj}nicht mehr gebraucht
no longer useful {adj}nicht mehr brauchbar
not any longernicht länger
not any longernicht mehr
not any longer {adv} [previously but not now]nicht mehr
3 Words: Verbs
to exist no longernicht mehr bestehen
to make sth. last (longer) [e.g. food items, perfume]etw.Akk. länger haltbar machen
to no longer applydahinfallen [schweiz.] [entfallen, fortfallen]
to no longer apply [conditions]fortfallen
law to no longer obtain [e.g. conditions, reasons]nicht mehr vorliegen [z. B. Bedingungen, Gründe]
jobs to work longer hourslänger arbeiten
3 Words: Nouns
automot. transp. longer heavier vehicle <LHV> [Br.]Gigaliner {m}
longer-staying guestslänger bleibende Gäste {pl}
fin. longer-term loanslängerfristige Kredite {pl}
4 Words: Others
(for) a bit longer {adv}etwas länger [zeitlich]
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Q 2024-06-03: "any longer" =? "noch länger"
A 2024-03-08: "Since Christmas he worked in the communication industry." He no longer wo...
Q 2023-05-03: HELP! I can no longer listen to the audio in German
A 2021-06-04: In summary—overdrafts are good for short-term operating expenses and loans...
A 2020-11-04: gemeint ist hier: I had no longer the reins in my hands, the reins slipped...
A 2020-04-10: I don't think English would use a noun for this, but a longer phrase with ...
A 2019-12-17: ... this turning away from a way of life he no longer adhered and subscrib...
A 2019-08-15: the system must not / no longer be saddled with (the costs of) non-insuran...
A 2019-05-23: Huch, die Welt ist kompliziert! *I'm afraid there come I no longer with*...
A 2019-04-25: Personally, +beyond doubt+ says it all, the longer versions I feel to be a...
A 2019-01-27: Sales spiel: Microsoft Edge, a fast browser for Windows 10. Explore the in...
Q 2019-01-04: German spelling no longer available?!
A 2018-03-07: no longer in factory condition
A 2016-08-02: May I join all the good people so devoutly agreed on this point? Natheless...
A 2016-06-24: @Jim maybe they are not wiser but they live longer. Its their life and therefore
A 2016-05-02: "You can't blame white people any longer"
A 2016-04-26: OK please forget this one (it is a much longer sentence and much more diff...
A 2015-11-10: Im Englischen kaum je unpersönlich mit +man+ ausgedrückt. Closest to the G...
A 2015-11-10: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22I+no+longer+understand+myself%22
A 2015-10-27: One +Chat+ would have done. — Oddly enough, the English trans is noticeabl...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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