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English-German translation for: lotion
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Dictionary English German: lotion

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NOUN   a lotion | lotions
SYNO   application | lotion
NOUN   die Lotion | die Lotionen/[bei engl. Aussprache] Lotions
to lotion sb./sth.
jdn./etw. eincremen
cosmet. lotion
Lotion {f}
pharm. lotion
Lösung {f}
cosmet. lotion
Balsam {m}
Flüssigkeit {f}
chem. pharm. lotion [rinsing]Abwaschung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
cosmet. aftershave (lotion)Aftershave {n}
cosmet. aftershave (lotion)Rasierwasser {n}
cosmet. aftershave lotionAftershavelotion {f}
cosmet. aftershave lotionAftershave-Lotion {f}
astringent (lotion)Adstringens {n}
cosmet. body lotionBodylotion {f}
cosmet. body lotionKörperlotion {f}
boracic lotionBorwasser {n}
cosmet. pharm. calamine lotionGalmeilotion {f} [selten] [auch: Galmei-Lotion, Galmei Lotion]
cosmet. caring lotionPflegelotion {f}
cosmet. cleansing lotionReinigungslotion {f}
cosmet. curling lotionLockenlotion {f}
cosmet. face lotionGesichtswasser {n}
cosmet. facial lotionGesichtslotion {f}
cosmet. foot lotionFußlotion {f}
cosmet. hand lotionHandcreme {f}
massage lotionMassagemilch {f}
cosmet. shaving lotionRasierlotion {f}
cosmet. skin lotionHautlotion {f}
cosmet. sun lotionSonnenlotion {f}
cosmet. suntan lotionSonnenlotion {f}
cosmet. suntan lotionSonnenmilch {f}
cosmet. tanning lotionBräunungsmittel {n}
cosmet. washing lotionWaschlotion {f}
3 Words: Nouns
cosmet. (hair) setting lotionHaarfestiger {m}
cosmet. (quick-)tanning lotionBräunungslotion {f}
cosmet. after-shave lotionRasierwasser {n}
cosmet. blow-dry lotionFöhnlotion {f}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshave {n}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshavelotion {f}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionRasierwasser {n} [Anwendung vor der Rasur]
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshave-Lotion {f}
cosmet. self tanning lotionSelbstbräuner {m}
cosmet. self-tanning lotionBräunungscreme {f}
cosmet. self-tanning lotionSelbstbräunungslotion {f}
cosmet. sunless tanning lotionBräunungscreme {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to put on some lotionsich eincremen
4 Words: Nouns
pharm. boric acid (eye) lotionBorwasser {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
to rub lotion into one's skinsich einschmieren [mit Lotion]
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Search time: 0.011 sec

A 2011-03-17: paste (the lotion) onto your facial skin
A 2008-09-26: Just looked on some bottles of lotion and found that:
A 2007-08-01: it is a suntan lotion btw!

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