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English-German translation for: lots
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Dictionary English German: lots

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
NOUN   a lot | lots
SYNO   a good deal | a great deal | a lot ... 
lots {pron} [coll.]
Mengen {pl}
Anteile {pl}
Landparzellen {pl}
2 Words: Others
in lots {adv}postenweise
in lots {adv}in Losgrößen
comm. in lots {adv}in Teilsendungen
lots of {adj} [coll.]viele
lots of [coll.]'ne Menge [ugs.]
lots of {adj} [coll.]sehr viel
lots of {pron} [coll.] [money, work, trouble, etc.]viel [Geld, Arbeit, Ärger etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to cast lotslosen
to cast lotsverlosen
to draw lotslosen
to draw lotsLose ziehen
2 Words: Nouns
drawing lotsLosziehung {f}
drawing lotsVerlosung {f}
lots {pl} of [coll.]eine Menge {f}
lots {pl} of [coll.]jede Menge {f} [ugs.]
lots {pl} of sth. [coll.]ein (großer) Haufen {m} etw.Nom. [ugs.] [eine Menge] [z. B.: ein (großer) Haufen Geld; selten mit Genitiv: ... Geldes]
3 Words: Others
by drawing lots {adv}per Los
drawing lots for {adj}auslosend
drawn lots for {past-p}ausgelost
in large lots {adv}in großen Posten
in small lots {adv}in kleinen Posten
Lots of love [informal letter ending]Liebe Grüße [Briefschluss]
lots of love [letter ending]Alles Liebe [Briefschluss]
Internet Love You Lots <LYL>Hab dich ganz doll lieb. <HDGDL>
Love you lots. <LYL> [coll.]Hab' dich lieb. <HDL> [ugs.]
Love you lots. <LYL> [coll.]Hab' dich sehr lieb. <HDSL> [ugs.]
We drew lots.Wir zogen Lose.
with lots of [coll.]mit einer Menge
3 Words: Verbs
to draw by lotsverlosen
to draw lots forauslosen
to hold two lots [tender exercise]zwei Lose halten [Ausschreibung]
3 Words: Nouns
sports drawing of lotsLosverfahren {n} [z. B. bei Sportturnieren]
drawing of lotsZiehung {f}
drawings of lotsZiehungen {pl}
lots of fun [coll.]Riesenspaß {m} [ugs.]
lots of fun [coll.]eine Menge {f} Spaß [ugs.]
lots of lolly [Br.] [coll.]eine Menge {f} Kies [ugs.]
lots of people [coll.]viele Leute {pl}
lots of people [coll.]viele Menschen {pl}
lots of time [coll.]viel Zeit {f}
pharm. master seed lotsprimäre Saatkulturen {pl}
pharm. working seed lotssekundäre Saatkulturen {pl}
4 Words: Others
We cast / drew lots.Wir haben gelost.
4 Words: Verbs
to decide by drawing lotsdurch das Los entscheiden
idiom to get lots of exposureganz groß herauskommen
idiom to get lots of exposuregroße Beachtung finden
to have lots of friends [coll.]viele Freunde haben
RealEst. to sell land in lotsGrundstücksparzellen verkaufen
4 Words: Nouns
traffic shortage of parking lotsParkplatzmangel {m}
5+ Words: Others
She makes lots of money. [coll.]Sie verdient ein Schweinegeld. [ugs.]
We got lots to talk about. [coll.]Wir haben 'ne Menge zu besprechen. [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to buy shares in odd lotsAktien in kleinen Mengen kaufen
to win lots of money / prizes [coll.] [on a game show]abstauben [österr. ugs.: viel gewinnen] [bei einem Quiz u. ä.]
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A 2023-12-11: There’s lots of terms in German that have both a Germanic and a borrowed s...
A 2023-11-25: Lots of leeway or room for interpretation.
A 2023-07-03: There are lots of idioms that can be used in more formal writing, and othe...
A 2023-04-17: I disagree with disambiguation in cases like that. Lots of words look similar.
A 2022-09-17: produced in lots/batches
A 2021-06-16: by casting lots, by lucky dip, by pot luck - to draw a ticket
A 2020-12-06: Package holidays are protected, as lots of people have found out this year ;-)
A 2019-08-19: There are lots of EU sites with personal services,
A 2018-11-09: PS: If one clicks +Search lots of books+ the results seem to differ signif...
A 2018-06-01: Lots of examples, including the Midwest
A 2017-08-01: Lots of excellent food for thought, as always
A 2016-10-06: There are already lots of entries for galore - http://www.dict.cc/?s=galore
A 2016-10-06: +Jams galore+ means that there were lots of traffic jams.
A 2016-09-26: Smug thousands just means that there were lots of them and they were smug.
A 2016-06-07: It IS a machine, NOT a person. Very easy to find lots of sources:
A 2016-06-07: @ uffie: I don't think so. Lots of qualified voters around.
A 2016-02-08: Lots of things +should be+ ;-)
A 2016-02-08: There are lots of different kinds of squash, and they are all a bit different.
A 2015-11-23: Community to me sounds like lots of individual houses/flats,
A 2015-10-19: Watch your capital letters - you have words capitalised that shouldn't be ...

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