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English-German translation for: lowest
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Dictionary English German: lowest

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

English German
ADJ   low | lower | lowest
SYNO   last | last-place | lowest
lowest {adj}
lowest {adj}
lowest {adj}
lowest {adj}
lowest {adj} {adv}am niedrigsten
2 Words: Others
bidding lowestniedrigstbietend
fourth lowest {adj}viertniedrigste
lowest priced {adj}preisgünstigste
lowest-order {adj}niedrigstwertig
lowest-ranking {adj}rangniedrigste
second lowest {adj}zweitniedrigste
third lowest {adj}drittniedrigste
2 Words: Nouns
lowest amountMindestbetrag {m}
lowest bidMindestangebot {n}
lowest bidMindestgebot {n}
lowest bidniedrigstes Angebot {n}
lowest bidniedrigstes Gebot {n}
lowest levelTiefststand {m}
lowest leveltiefster Stand {m}
lowest priceTiefstpreis {m}
lowest pricesniedrigste Preise {pl}
lowest priorityniedrigste Priorität {f}
lowest quotationniedrigste Notierung {f}
lowest quotationniedrigster Kurs {m}
lowest rateniedrigster Satz {m}
lowest temperatureTiefsttemperatur {f}
meteo. lowest temperaturesTiefsttemperaturen {pl}
lowest termsgünstigste Bedingungen {pl}
lowest valueTiefstwert {m}
3 Words: Others
at the lowest {adv}niedrigstens
3 Words: Nouns
hydro. lowest astronomical tide <LAT>niedrigst möglicher Gezeitenwasserstand {m} <NGzW>
lowest common denominatorkleinster gemeinsamer Nenner {m}
math. lowest common multiple <LCM>kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches {n} <kgV>
hydro. lowest low water <LLW>niedrigster Niedrigwasserstand {m} <NNW>
hydro. lowest low water <LLW>niedrigstes Niedrigwasser {n} <NNW>
comm. lowest price guaranteeTiefpreisgarantie {f}
comm. lowest price limitPreisuntergrenze {f}
telecom. lowest usable frequency <LUF>Nutzbarkeitstiefstfrequenz {f}
telecom. lowest usable frequency <LUF>niedrigste nutzbare Frequenz {f} [auch: Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF)]
acc. fin. lowest value principleNiederstwertprinzip {n}
lowest-order bitniedrigstwertiges Bit {n}
comm. lowest-price assortmentBilligstsortiment {n}
comm. lowest-price productBilligstprodukt {n}
4 Words: Others
at the lowest computation {adv}bei niedrigster Berechnung
at the lowest ebb {adv}bei Niedrigstwasser
at the lowest ebb {adv}bei niedrigster Ebbe
at the lowest estimate {adv}bei der niedrigsten Schätzung
at the lowest price {adv}zum niedrigsten Preis
at the lowest valuation {adv}bei der niedrigsten Einschätzung
with the lowest risk {adj} [postpos.]risikoärmste
4 Words: Nouns
least / lowest common factor <LCF>kleinster gemeinsamer Teiler / Nenner {m}
ecol. lowest concentration of interest <LCI>niedrigste interessierende Konzentration {f} <NIK>
pharm. lowest observed effect level <LOEL>LOEL {m} [niedrigste Dosis eines verabreichten chemischen Stoffes, bei der im Tierexperiment noch Wirkungen beobachtet wurden]
RealEst. purchase at lowest priceBestkauf {m}
5+ Words: Others
at the lowest possible price {adv}billigst
comm. at the lowest possible price {adv}zum niedrigstmöglichen Preis
comm. at the lowest price possible {adv}zum niedrigstmöglichen Preis
at the lowest rate of premiumzum niedrigsten Prämiensatz
Kindly give me your lowest price.Bitte geben Sie mir Ihren niedrigsten Preis.
with the lowest possible riskmöglichst risikoarm
5+ Words: Verbs
to be at the lowest ebb [idiom]sich auf einem Tiefpunkt befinden [Redewendung]
to buy at the lowest costzu den niedrigsten Kosten kaufen
5+ Words: Nouns
purchase at the lowest priceKauf {m} zum niedrigsten Preis
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Lowest of the LowGanz unten [Günter Wallraff]
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A 2021-09-10: no buying from / no contracting with the lowest possible bidder
Q 2018-11-21: cent per cent was the lowest of it + into space
A 2016-03-03: Normally, Lgr. = Leistungsgruppe and 'D' is the level (A-D, highest to lowest).
Q 2015-09-15: joint-lowest rate
A 2014-10-28: Research was done to identify the smallest amount of fuel injected to give...
A 2014-10-27: I / We / They tried to find the injection volume with the lowest kindling point
Q 2014-08-04: lowest level of quantification
A 2014-04-24: Lowest Common Denominator
A 2012-10-03: Something like: "the lowest man/person in the pecking order/on the food ch...
A 2011-10-03: Actually, with the momentary fashion making a competition of who can wear ...
A 2011-05-07: ... the lowest value they are certain will not be exceeded.
A 2011-05-06: the lowest value that they are certain to consistently stay below of /
A 2010-10-22: the two lowest placed teams from Group A
Q 2010-09-22: brightness lowest -> highest
A 2010-08-29: "Wachtmeister" is, however, the lowest rank.
A 2010-08-07: ventral is the lowest part here, - just guessing ...
A 2010-06-11: I think that fits with +at his lowest+ . Then (in German) without +Wald+ :...
A 2010-06-11: at his lowest
Q 2010-06-11: at his lowest
A 2010-03-30: Well, "draft" is how deep the lowest part of the boat extends into the water.

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