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English-German translation for: loyal
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Dictionary English German: loyal

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ADJ   loyal | more loyal | most loyal
SYNO   loyal | patriotic | fast | firm ... 
ADJ  loyal | loyaler | am loyalsten ... 
SYNO   ergeben | getreu | loyal | sicher ... 
loyal {adj}
faithful {adj}
allegiant {adj}
staunch {adj} [supporter]
loyal {adj}
getreu [treu]
leal {adj} [Scot. or poet.]
loyally {adv}
constant {adj} [loyal]
loyal {adj}treu ergeben
2 Words: Others
econ. brand loyal {adj}markentreu
loyal (to sb.) {adj}(jdm.) treugesinnt
loyal (to sb./sth.) {adj}(jdm./etw.) treu
loyal (to sb./sth.) {adj}loyal (jdm./etw. gegenüber)
more loyal {adj}ergebener
most loyal {adj}ergebenste
2 Words: Nouns
loyal addressErgebenheitsadresse {f} [an Monarchen]
loyal assistantAdlatus {m} [hum.]
loyal assistantsAdlaten {pl} [hum.]
loyal buyertreuer Kunde {m}
loyal customertreuer Kunde {m}
loyal friendshiptreue Freundschaft {f}
loyal oppositionkollegiale Opposition {f}
Loyal Toast [Br.][Toast auf König, Herzog]
pol. loyal voterStammwähler {m}
3 Words: Others
loyal and faithful {adj}höchst zuverlässig
pol. loyal to Bern {adj} [postpos.] [the Canton]berntreu
hist. loyal to England {adj} [postpos.]englandtreu
3 Words: Verbs
to be disloyal to sb.jdm. gegenüber nicht loyal sein
to keep faith with sb./sth.jdm./etw. loyal bleiben
to remain loyal to sb.jdm. die Stange halten [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
those once loyaldie einst Loyalen {pl}
4 Words: Others
relig. loyal to the Church {adj} [postpos.]kirchentreu
loyal to the coalition {adj} [postpos.]koalitionstreu
loyal to the king {adj} [postpos.]königstreu
pol. loyal to the regime {adj} [postpos.]regimetreu
loyal to the state {adj} [postpos.]staatstreu
4 Words: Verbs
to be loyal and faithfulhöchst zuverlässig sein
to develop a loyal followingAnhängerschaft gewinnen
5+ Words: Others
hist. pol. loyal to the emperor / Emperor {adj} [postpos.]kaisertreu
pol. loyal to the federal government {adj} [postpos.]bundestreu
relig. loyal to the pope / Pope {adj} [postpos.]papsttreu
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. troops loyal to the governmentregierungstreue Truppen {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Loyal Heart [Care Bears]Hündchen Treuherz [Glücksbärchis]
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A 2019-05-04: Angst / fear is my most faithful / loyal / my truest companion.
A 2010-08-16: to be a loyal soul
A 2010-06-22: Thank you - the phrase comes from a document written in 1865 and loyal or ...
A 2010-06-21: alt, privat auch 'ergeben' [loyal, devoted]
A 2009-07-06: Or our loyal customers
A 2009-06-15: it means keeping staff loyal to the company, informed, well trained etc.
A 2008-12-12: true and loyal friend
A 2008-12-12: a true loyal friend ... yes / and sorry to hear ...
A 2008-12-12: Danke: a truly loyal friend and a mischief-maker!
A 2008-12-12: a truly loyal friend
A 2007-09-23: loyal service (to a company)
A 2007-03-14: maybe, remained loyal?
A 2007-03-14: faithful / loyal to us (context?)
A 2007-01-26: science-connected or science-ture/loyal or science-associated
A 2007-01-26: loyal or true to science
A 2006-07-13: loyal or regular customers would be "Stammkunden"
A 2006-04-24: loyal reader
A 2006-04-13: Because they are loyal
A 2006-04-03: loyal to the state - liz was not far off the mark
A 2006-04-03: maybe state loyal...

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