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English-German translation for: lung biopsy
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Dictionary English German: lung biopsy

Translation 1 - 50 of 374  >>

NOUN   a lung biopsy | lung biopsies
med. lung biopsyLungenbiopsie {f}
Partial Matches
med. ageing-lung / aging-lung emphysema [senile emphysema]Alterslungenemphysem {n} [seltener für: Altersemphysem]
med. to biopsybiopsieren
med. to biopsyeine Biopsie vornehmen
med. biopsyBiopsie {f}
med. biopsyGewebeentnahme {f}
med. aspiration biopsyAspirationsbiopsie {f}
MedTech. biopsy deviceBiopsieeinrichtung {f}
med. biopsy histologyPunktionshistologie {f}
med. biopsy materialBiopsiematerial {n}
med. biopsy needleBiopsienadel {f}
med. MedTech. biopsy punchBiopsiestanze {f}
MedTech. biopsy techniqueBiopsietechnik {f}
med. blastocyst biopsyBlastozystenbiopsie {f}
med. blastomere biopsyBlastomerenbiopsie {f}
med. bone biopsyKnochenbiopsie {f}
med. brain biopsyHirnbiopsie {f}
med. brush biopsyBürstenabstrich {m}
med. brush biopsyBürstenbiopsie {f}
med. cardiac biopsyHerzbiopsie {f}
med. catheter biopsyKatheterbiopsie {f}
med. cone biopsyKonusbiopsie {f}
med. endometrial biopsyEndometriumbiopsie {f}
med. endometrial biopsyStrichabrasio {f}
med. endometrial biopsyStrichkürettage {f}
med. endomyocardial biopsyMyokardbiopsie {f}
med. freehand biopsyFreihandbiopsie {f}
med. gastrointestinal biopsyMagen-Darm-Biopsie {f}
med. heart biopsyHerzbiopsie {f}
med. hepatic biopsyLeberbiopsie {f}
med. kidney biopsyNierenbiopsie {f}
med. liquid biopsyFlüssigbiopsie {f}
med. liver biopsyBiopsie {f} der Leber
med. liver biopsyLeberbiopsie {f}
med. mediastinal biopsyMediastinalbiopsie {f}
med. muscle biopsyMuskelbiopsie {f}
med. nail biopsyNagelbiopsie {f}
med. needle biopsyNadelbiopsie {f}
med. ovarian biopsyOvarialbiopsie {f}
med. perineal biopsyPerinealbiopsie {f}
med. pleural biopsyPleurabiopsie {f}
med. portio biopsyPortiobiopsie {f}
med. prostate biopsyProstatabiopsie {f}
med. pulmonary biopsyLungenbiopsie {f}
med. MedTech. punch biopsyStanzbiopsie {f}
med. rectal biopsyRektumbiopsie {f}
med. renal biopsyNierenbiopsie {f}
MedTech. shave biopsyRasurbiopsie {f} [auch: Rasur-Biopsie]
med. skin biopsyHautbiopsie {f}
med. spleen biopsyMilzbiopsie {f}
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