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English-German translation for: lying
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Dictionary English German: lying

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>

English German
VERB1  to lie | lay | lain
lying | lies
VERB2  to lie [tell a lie] | lied | lied
lying | lies
SYNO   fabrication | lying | prevarication
lying {adj} {pres-p} [stretched out, recumbent]
lying {adj} {pres-p} [telling lies]
lying {adj} [telling lies]
verlogen [Person]
lying {adj}
lying {adj} [attr.] [e.g. comfort, meditation, surface, vase]
Liege- [z. B. Komfort, Meditation, Fläche, Vase]
Lügen {n}
Lügerei {f}
2 Words: Others
high-lying {adj} [attr.] [land]hochgelegen [auch: hoch gelegen]
low-lying {adj}tiefliegend
low-lying {adj}niedrig gelegen
low-lying {adj}tief liegend
lower-lying {adj}tieferliegend
lower-lying {adj}tiefer liegend
lying beneath {adj} [postpos.]darunterliegend
lying down {adv}im Liegen
lying onaufliegend
lying still {adj} {pres-p}still liegend [ruhig liegend]
lying to {adj}anlügend
lying to {adj}belügend
lying underneath {adj} [postpos.]darunterliegend
2 Words: Verbs
to catch sb. lyingjdn. bei einer Lüge ertappen
to scorn lyinges ablehnen zu lügen
2 Words: Nouns
lying areaLiegebereich {m}
furn. lying comfortLiegekomfort {m}
furn. lying comfortRuhekomfort {m} [Liegekomfort]
lying meditationLiegemeditation {f}
lying position [lying down]Liegelage {f}
journ. pol. lying press [pej.] [abusive term applied when the press takes opposite positions on emotionally charged issues]Lügenpresse {f} [pej.]
lying propagandaLügenpropaganda {f}
lying surfaceLiegefläche {f}
naut. lying toBeiliegen {n}
lying toadLügenmaul {n}
lying vaseLiegevase {f}
geol. mining lying wall [footwall]Liegendes {n}
med. lying-in [archaic]Wochenbett {n}
med. psych. pathological lyingPseudologie {f}
psych. pathological lying <PL> [Pseudologia phantastica]pathologisches Lügen {n}
3 Words: Others
lying in between {adj}dazwischenliegend
lying in-between {adv}dazwischenliegend
3 Words: Verbs
to accuse sb. of lyingjdn. der Lüge bezichtigen
to accuse sb. of lyingjdn. der Lüge zeihen [geh. bzw. veraltend]
to be caught lyingbeim Lügen ertappt werden
to be lying aheadbevorstehen
to be lying aroundherumliegen
to be lying downsich ausruhen
to convict sb. of lyingjdn. der Lüge überführen
to leave sth. (lying) aboutetw.Akk. herumliegen lassen
to remain lying downliegen bleiben [nicht aufstehen]
to stay lying downliegen bleiben
idiom to take sth. lying downetw. ruhig / tatenlos hinnehmen
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Q 2020-09-29: 'heroin-addicted-lying-on-newspaper-in-squat'
Q 2019-05-11: I am lying prostrate
Q 2018-08-28: flat land lying on one of the poles
Q 2018-05-04: lying in wait and stalking [deer] Auflauern und Anpirschen
Q 2015-03-23: laying, lying or ...
A 2014-03-27: +Are you trying to suggest that he's lying?+ is correct, but a different s...
A 2013-06-05: lying
A 2013-04-11: lying "around/about" here a bit there a bit etc. ....
A 2012-05-10: If J.N. said this, that quote has been around a while. Or he's lying about...
A 2011-11-29: and: he did not violate his duties as a doctor BY lying and cheating.
A 2011-11-05: Still trying to find one that isn't a bunch of lying cheats
A 2011-11-03: On this picture: There is a picture lying on the table, and someone put ma...
A 2011-02-18: But yet, people who are lying about a lot are "layabouts." :-)
A 2011-02-18: same as lying around
Q 2011-02-18: lying about in the shade
A 2011-02-13: So maybe it would be better to say: It had already been left on the table ...
A 2011-02-13: The paper was already (lying) on the table when I arrived.
A 2011-01-16: Could you help me find my car keys? - They're lying on the table right in ...
Q 2010-08-12: I did the lying-through-my-teeth-finger-cross.
A 2010-05-30: to get even with the company, to settle / pay off old scores, not take it ...

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