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English-German translation for: made
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Dictionary English German: made

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VERB  to make | made | made ... 
NOUN   die Made | die Maden
SYNO   Larve | Made | Raupe
sb./sth. made
jd./etw. machte
made {adj} {past-p}
made {past-p}
vorgenommen [durchgeführt]
made {adj} {past-p}
made {adj} {past-p}
made {adj} {past-p} [profit, loss]
entom. maggot
Made {f}
entom. grub [maggot]
Made {f}
2 Words: Others
badly made {adj}schlecht gearbeitet
badly made {adj} [badly manufactured]schlecht gefertigt
British-made {adj}in Britannien hergestellt
custom-made {adj}maßgearbeitet
custom-made {adj}maßgefertigt
custom-made {adj}maßgeschneidert
custom-made {adj}spezialangefertigt
custom-made {adj}spezialgefertigt
custom-made {adj}individuell gefertigt
custom-made {adj}nach Kundenwünschen gefertigt
custom-made {adj}nach Wunsch des Kunden
custom-made {adj}gefertigt nach Angaben des Kunden [nachgestellt]
delicately made {adj} {past-p}zierlich gearbeitet [veraltet]
factory-made {adj}fabrikmäßig hergestellt
ind. factory-made {adj}industriell gefertigt
factory-made {adj}werkseitig hergestellt
foreign-made {adj}im Ausland hergestellt
gastr. freshly made {adj}frisch zubereitet
hand made {adj}handgearbeitet
hand-made {adj}handgearbeitet
hand-made {adj}handgefertigt
hand-made {adj}in Handarbeit hergestellt
hand-made {adj} [paper]handgeschöpft [Papier]
home made {adj}selbstgemacht
home made {adj}selbst gemacht
home-made {adj}hausbacken
home-made {adj}hausgemacht
constr. tech. home-made {adj}selbstgebastelt
constr. tech. home-made {adj}selbstgebaut
home-made {adj}selbstgemacht
constr. tech. home-made {adj}selbst gebastelt
constr. tech. home-made {adj}selbst gebaut
home-made {adj}selbst gemacht
gastr. home-made {adj} [baked]hausgebacken
gastr. home-made {adj} [baked]selbstgebacken
ind. machine-made {adj}maschinell gefertigt
machine-made {adj}maschinell hergestellt
made believe {past-p}weisgemacht
made byhergestellt von
made capital {past-p}zur Hauptstadt erhoben
made clear {past-p}klargemacht
made clear {past-p}klargestellt
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A 2023-04-11: The t.t. is +nonce word+ — not the stuff dictionaries are made of.
Q 2023-03-19: Comments made during entry edits
A 2023-03-14: > made a good fist of
A 2022-05-30: maybe: core-drilled (wooden) ducts , wooden ducts made of core-drilled s...
A 2022-01-29: Tischlerkonstruktion verstehe ich mehr in Richtung "custom-made"
Q 2022-01-29: Environment that made you sick
A 2021-02-11: YESSSSS! You made my day, Windfall!!! ;)
A 2021-02-11: geht made to measure nicht?
A 2020-11-20: Equally ludicrous claims made by Google for +political commitment+
A 2020-10-12: Quote \ If the distinction is made by +some+ Americans such usage would gi...
A 2020-05-30: I doubt that there is a ready-made solution.
A 2020-03-15: +phobe+ suggesting +strong dislike+ is illiterate rubbish made up by polit...
A 2020-03-12: +incarnatus+ lat. +fleischgeworden+ / Latin +made flesh+
A 2019-10-28: sich etw. unterwerfen = to be (made) subject to sth / to submit to sth
A 2019-07-31: Check on the different suggestions made in the LINX by Googling for illust...
A 2019-04-30: made up word
A 2019-04-29: Nur ein Versuch: https://www.linguee.de/englisch-deutsch/uebersetzung/work...
A 2019-04-25: Thanks a lot, Catesse, you've made my day!
Q 2019-01-28: the qualities which made both
A 2019-01-03: Made in Germany

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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