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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: maintenance including
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maintenance including in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: maintenance including

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

RealEst. [rent including maintenance but excluding heating]Bruttokaltmiete {f}
Partial Matches
sustentation [maintenance]Bewahrung {f}
inspection [maintenance inspection]Aufnahme {f} [Revision]
manutention [obs.] [maintenance, upkeep]Instandhaltung {f}
tech. servicing [maintenance]Warten {n} [Wartung, Instandhaltung]
law spouse support [financial maintenance]Ehegattenunterhalt {m}
manutention [obs.] [maintenance, upkeep]Unterhalt {m} [Instandhaltung]
incorporation [act of including]Einfügung {f}
gastr. [joint of meat including ribs]Rippenstück {n}
law appropriate maintenance [Br.] [spousal maintenance]gebührender Unterhalt {m} [Unterhaltszahlung]
mus. theatre musical theatre [esp. Br.] [including opera etc.]Musiktheater {n}
art seascape painting [including the painting of ships]Marinemalerei {f}
demand for money [including demand for loan repayment]Geldforderung {f}
[club devoted to the maintenance of local / regional traditions and characteristics]Heimatverein {m}
appreciative of art {adj} [postpos.] [including music, literature etc.]kunstsinnig [geh.]
gastr. [joint of pork, veal or lamb including ribs]Karree {n} [bes. österr.]
med. tech. site of the fissure [crack in some material including bones]Rissstelle {f}
educ. de-registration [removal from the register of students for any reason including graduation]Exmatrikulation {f}
law civil status [regional] [detailed personal information including origin, citizenship, marriage, and family]Zivilstand {m} [schweiz.] [Personenstand]
econ. QM tech. MRO goods [maintenance, repair and operation]indirekte Bedarfe {pl} <MRO>
med. [followers of the health maintenance regimens of Fr. Sebastian Kneipp]Kneippianer {pl}
not comprising {adj} [exclusive, not including]ungerechnet [nicht mitgerechnet, nicht berücksichtigt]
involving sth. {adj} [postpos.] [including sth. as a result]etw.Akk. mit sich bringend [etw. zur Folge habend]
comp. runbook [detailed instructions and tools for maintenance]Runbook {n} [detaillierte Anleitung und Werkzeuge zur Instandhaltung]
aviat. alarm aircraft-on-ground <AOG> [due to maintenance work]Alarm {m} Flugzeug-am-Boden [wegen Wartungsarbeiten]
ling. [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj}piefkinesisch [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
[German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj}piefkonisch [österr.] [ugs.] [bundesdeutsch]
educ. household arts {pl} [as cooking, sewing, baby care, concerned with the maintenance and care of a household]Hauswirtschaft {f} [Hauswirtschaftslehre]
cloth. suit of clothes [usually including a jacket and trousers]Anzug {m} [aus Hose und Jacke, und optional Weste, bestehendes Kleidungsstück (für Männer)]
to have high tea [Br.] [to eat a light meal in the early evening, often including sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea]Abendbrot essen
philos. pol. nuclearism [Am.] [advocacy of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology for the maintenance of peace and national security]Nuklearismus {m}
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