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English-German translation for: makes
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Dictionary English German: makes

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>

English German
NOUN   a make | makes
VERB  to make | made | made
making | makes/maketh [obs.]
sb. makes
jd. macht
2 Words: Others
sb. makes flourishesjd. schnörkelt
sb. makes musicjd. musiziert
sb. makes pregnantjd. schwängert
sb. makes surejd. vergewissert
sb./sth. makes clearjd./etw. verdeutlicht
sb./sth. makes difficultjd./etw. erschwert
sb./sth. makes insecurejd./etw. verunsichert
sb./sth. makes smallerjd./etw. verkleinert
sb./sth. makes worsejd./etw. verschlimmert
sth. makes sb. dejectedetw. deprimiert jdn.
sth. makes sb. sadetw. schlägt jdm. aufs Gemüt [Redewendung]
sth. makes stupidetw. verdummt
3 Words: Others
Altogether that makes ...Zusammen macht das ...
proverb Haste makes waste.Eile mit Weile!
proverb Haste makes waste.Gut Ding will Weile haben.
It makes sb. wild.Da geht jdm. der Hut hoch. [Redewendung]
It makes sense.Es ist plausibel.
It makes sense.Es ist sinnvoll.
It makes sense.Es ergibt einen Sinn.
proverb Might makes right.Macht geht vor Recht.
proverb Money makes money.Der Teufel scheißt immer auf den größten Haufen.
proverb Practice makes perfect.Übung macht den Meister.
proverb Practice makes perfect.Durch Training wird man stark.
sb. makes a diagnosisjd. diagnostiziert
sb. makes a mistakejd. vergreift sich
sb. makes a partingjd. scheitelt
sb. makes enemies ofjd. verfeindet
sb. makes propaganda forjd. propagiert
idiom sb./sth. makes my dayjd./etw. versüßt mir den Tag
sb./sth. makes up for sth. [compensates]jd./etw. macht etw.Akk. wett
sb./sth. makes young againjd./etw. verjüngt
That makes sense.Das macht Sinn. [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
Chocolate makes one constipated.Schokolade stopft.
He makes friends easily.Er findet leicht Freunde.
He makes himself scarce. [coll.]Er macht sich rar. [ugs.]
He makes no difference.Er behandelt beide gleich.
He makes things hum.Er bringt Schwung in die Sache.
It makes me queasy.Da wird mir übel.
It makes me sick. [idiom]Mir kommt alles hoch. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom It makes me sick. [sl.]Es kotzt mich an. [ugs.] [derb]
It makes no difference.Es macht nichts aus.
It makes no difference.Es spielt keine Rolle.
It makes no odds.Es macht nichts aus.
idiom It makes no odds. [chiefly Br.] [coll.]Das macht keinen Unterschied.
It makes you wonder. [idiom]Man kommt ins Nachdenken. [Redewendung]
proverb Money makes the man.Haste was, biste was.
proverb Opportunity makes the thief.Gelegenheit macht Diebe.
Routine makes you blind.Routine macht blind.
sb./sth. makes me feel like [idiom]jd./etw. gibt mir das Gefühl [+ »zu« mit Infinitiv - oder + », dass ...«] [Redewendung]
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A 2023-11-28: what makes you tick
A 2023-04-18: The Sony World Photography Awards panel dithering wildly makes for delight...
A 2023-03-19: Makes me wonder
A 2023-03-12: This makes sense of an apparent contradiction above
Q 2023-02-17: How long before practice makes perfect?
A 2022-08-10: Context makes a difference
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A 2022-07-11: a good German makes a good cosmopolitan
A 2022-06-20: Context makes the difference
A 2021-12-21: Marketing: On the difference between brands and products / makes
A 2021-11-27: AliHeret makes a good point: bracketed explanations do not make Dict.cc in...
A 2021-11-20: That makes sense, thank you!
A 2021-07-02: Michael's answer makes sense to me.
A 2021-06-02: Context makes a difference
A 2020-05-18: @MichaelK: Yep, that makes sense to me.
A 2020-03-02: Zuchi makes a good point.
A 2020-02-14: This pair of sentences also makes an appearance:
A 2020-02-11: Vielleicht: encompasses? makes use of?
A 2020-01-16: thanks Windfall! makes sense now!
A 2019-07-29: So the question was not about "to puffin", but about "to puff". Makes sens...

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