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English-German translation for: man-in-the-middle
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Dictionary English German: man in the middle

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man-in-the-middle attack <MITM, MITM attack>Man-in-the-Middle-Angriff {m} <MITM-Angriff>
man-in-the-middle attack <MITM, MITM attack>Man-in-the-Middle-Attacke {f} <MITM-Attacke>
bucket-brigade attackMan-in-the-Middle-Angriff {m} <MITM-Angriff>
comp. man-in-the-middle attack <MITM, MITM attack>Janusangriff {m} [MITM-Angriff]
comp. man-in-the-middle attack <MITM, MITM attack>Mittelsmannangriff {m} [MITM-Angriff]
Partial Matches
plumb in the middle {adv} [coll.]genau in der Mitte
in the middle of the night {adv}in tiefster Nacht
in the middle of the picture {adv}in der Bildmitte
comm. in the middle price range {adv}in der mittleren Preisklasse
in the middle of {prep}in der Mitte [+Gen.]
to cut in the middlein der Mitte schneiden
to fold in the middlein der Mitte falten
(right) smack in the middle {adv} [coll.]genau in der Mitte
in the middle of a dream {adv}mitten in einem Traum
in the middle of a word {adv}mitten in einem Wort
in the middle of the night {adv}mitten in der Nacht
in the middle of the wilderness {adv}mitten in der Wildnis
slap bang in the middle {adv} [coll.]genau in der Mitte
smack bang in the middle {adv} [coll.]genau in der Mitte
games piggy in the middle [ball game]Schweinchen {n} in der Mitte [Kinderspiel]
smack dab (in the middle) {adv} [Am.] [coll.]direkt (in die Mitte)
smack dab (in the middle) {adv} [Am.] [coll.]genau (in die Mitte)
in the middle of last week {adv}in der Mitte der letzten Woche
right in the middle of sth. {adv}genau in der Mitte etw.Gen.
to be in the middle of a projectmitten in einem Projekt sein
in the middle of the 18th century {adv}(in der) Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts
right in the middle of sth. {adv}genau in der Mitte von etw.Dat.
in the middle {adv}in der Mitte
geogr. in the Middle East {adv}in Nahost
in the middle of {prep}mitten in
bang in the middle of sth. {adj} {adv} [coll.] [idiom]genau in der Mitte etw.Gen.
in the middle of nowhere {adv}mitten in der Walachei [regional] [ugs.] [fig.] [am Ende der Welt]
smack dab in the middle of sth. {adv} [Am.] [coll.]direkt in der Mitte von etw.Dat.
smack dab in the middle of sth. {adv} [Am.] [coll.]genau in der Mitte von etw.Dat.
in the middle {adj} {adv}mittig
games We play monkey / pickle in the middle. [children's game]Wir spielen Esel in der Mitte. [Kinderspiel]
placed in the middle {past-p}zentriert
hist. in the Middle Ages {adv}im Mittelalter
in the middle of {prep}mitten auf
pol. conflict in the Middle EastNahostkonflikt {m}
proverb Never mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged.Im Haus des Gehängten spricht man nicht vom Strick.
along the middle {adv}in der Mitte entlang
(right) in the middle {adv}mittenmang [nordd.] [mittendrin]
in the middle of February {adv}Mitte Februar
in the middle of January {adv}Mitte Januar
in the middle of June {adv}Mitte Juni
in the middle of March {adv}Mitte März
in the middle of May {adv}Mitte Mai
in the middle of October {adv}Mitte Oktober
in the middle of winter {adv}im Hochwinter
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