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English-German translation for: manic-depressive
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Dictionary English German: manic depressive

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

ADJ   manic-depressive | more manic-depressive | most manic-depressive
psych. manic-depressive {adj}manisch-depressiv
Keywords contained
psych. manic-depressive disordermanisch-depressive Erkrankung {f}
psych. manic-depressive disordermanisch-depressive Störung {f}
psych. manic-depressive illnessmanisch-depressive Erkrankung {f}
psych. manic-depressive psychosis <MDP>manisch-depressive Psychose {f}
Partial Matches
manic {adj} [jealousy]rasend
med. manic depressionmanische Depression {f}
psych. manic disordermanisches Zustandsbild {n} [schweiz.]
psych. manic episodemanische Phase {f}
manic {adj} [activity, excitement]fieberhaft
psych. manic {adj} [state, depression]manisch
Things are manic.Das ist der absolute Stress! [ugs.]
depressive {adj}bedrückend
depressive {adj}belastend
psych. depressive {adj}depressiv
depressive {adj}drückend
psych. depressive {adj}gemütskrank
depressive {adj}wertmindernd
psych. depressivean Depressionen Leidender {m}
psych. depressiveDepressiver {m} [depressiver Mensch]
sociol. manic drive to achieveLeistungswahn {m}
psych. depressive [female]an Depressionen Leidende {f}
psych. clinically depressive {adj}klinisch depressiv
psych. depressive illnessdepressive Erkrankung {f}
psych. major depressive episodegroße depressive Phase {f}
med. psych. persistent depressive moodanhaltende depressive Verstimmung {f}
psych. recurrent depressive disorderrezidivierende depressive Störung {f}
psych. unipolar depressive disorderunipolare depressive Störung {f}
manic {adj} [grin, laughter, sense of humour]irre
manic {adj} [grin, laughter, sense of humour]wahnsinnig
psych. to suffer from depressive episodesan depressiven Episoden leiden
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