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English-German translation for: manipulation
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Dictionary English German: manipulation

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NOUN   a manipulation | manipulations
SYNO   handling | manipulation | manipulation ... 
NOUN   die Manipulation | die Manipulationen
SYNO   Manipulation | Manipulierung ... 
pol. stocks rigging
Manipulation {f}
Manipulation {f}
Manipulation {f}
Beeinflussung {f}
manipulation [handling]
Handhabung {f}
Manipulation {f}
manipulation [processing]
Verarbeitung {f}
Machenschaft {f}
Manipulierung {f}
manipulation [processing]
Bearbeitung {f}
Betätigung {f}
manipulation [tampering]Frisieren {n} [fig.] [ugs.] [Manipulieren]
2 Words: Nouns
account manipulationKontenschiebung {f}
address manipulationAdressenmanipulation {f}
bit manipulationbitweise Verarbeitung {f}
comp. computer manipulationComputermanipulation {f}
curr. fin. currency manipulationWährungsmanipulation {f}
comp. data manipulationDatenbearbeitung {f}
data manipulationDatenmanipulation {f}
direct manipulationdirekte Manipulierung {f}
pol. electoral manipulationWahlmanipulation {f}
automot. emissions riggingAbgas-Manipulation {f}
fiscal manipulationSteuermanipulation {f}
fraudulent manipulationbetrügerische Manipulation {f}
comp. photo. image manipulationBildmanipulation {f}
input manipulationEingabemanipulation {f}
manipulation attemptManipulationsversuch {m}
manipulation chargesManipulationsvorwürfe {pl}
manipulation strategyManipulationsstrategie {f}
manipulation systemManipulationssystem {n}
med. manipulative treatmentManipulation {f}
stocks market manipulationMarktmanipulation {f}
sports match manipulationSpielmanipulation {f}
mechanical manipulationMaschinenbearbeitung {f}
journ. publ. media manipulationMedienmanipulation {f}
psych. mind controlManipulation {f} des Denkens
mind gamegedankliche Manipulation {f}
output manipulationAusgabemanipulation {f}
photo manipulationFotomanipulation {f}
picture manipulationBildbearbeitung {f}
comp. sociol. social engineering [tricking people into divulging confidential information]soziale Manipulation {f} [selten]
med. spinal manipulationEinrichten {n} der Wirbelsäule
stock manipulationAktienmanipulation {f}
video manipulationVideomanipulation {f} [auch: Video-Manipulation]
3 Words: Others
It was rigged!Das war Manipulation!
3 Words: Nouns
data manipulation language <DML>Datenbearbeitungssprache {f}
comp. data manipulation language <DML>Datenmanipulationssprache {f}
evidence of manipulationManipulationsbeweis {m}
comp. photo. image manipulation programBildbearbeitungsprogramm {n}
comp. photo. image manipulation programBildverarbeitungsprogramm {n}
manipulation of accountsFälschung {f} von Konten
manipulation of dataDatenmanipulation {f}
fin. manipulation of incomeEinkommensmanipulation {f}
tech. manipulation of lightLichtmanipulation {f}
manipulation of pricesKursmanipulation {f}
opportunity for manipulationManipulationsmöglichkeit {f}
possibility of manipulationManipulationsmöglichkeit {f}
security against manipulationManipulationssicherheit {f}
4 Words: Others
on the slightest manipulation {adv}bei der geringsten Veränderung
4 Words: Nouns
pol. manipulation of (public) opinionMeinungsmache {f} [pej.] [Meinungsmanipulation]
pol. manipulation of (public) opinionMeinungsmanipulation {f}
manipulation of a fileManipulation {f} einer Datei
5+ Words: Nouns
sports manipulation of a / the matchSpielmanipulation {f}
manipulation of a credit cardFälschung {f} der Kreditkarte
sports manipulation of the match's resultManipulation {f} des Spielergebnisses
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A 2016-09-01: Marketing Psycho-manipulation
A 2012-07-29: Manipulation
A 2010-09-17: @Laura: you're precisely right about the 'pre-manipulation.'
A 2010-01-16: An issue the author does not address is manipulation of +cyber evidence+
A 2009-05-14: the progress in genetic manipulation will be inevitable
A 2009-03-16: pre-cut labels to increase the protection from manipulation ??
A 2008-04-05: Bearbeitung = manipulation
A 2007-05-24: could be right - but also "state manipulation"
A 2006-04-05: Paraphrasing lothar: When it comes to the frivolity of enquiry and manipul...
A 2006-03-20: genetisch verändert (folgt auf die) genetische Manipulation
A 2005-09-16: Typo: manipulation
A 2005-09-16: manipulation message, perhaps
A 2005-08-09: puts them beyond suspicion of manipulation

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