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English-German translation for: mantle
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Dictionary English German: mantle

Translation 1 - 50 of 105  >>

English German
NOUN   a mantle | mantles
VERB  to mantle | mantled | mantled ... 
SYNO   Mantle | Mickey Charles Mantle ... 
to mantle [literary]
to mantle [archaic] [face: glow with a blush, flush]
erröten [im Gesicht (vor Zorn, Scham, Erregung etc.)]
to mantle [archaic] [face: glow with a blush, flush]rot werden [im Gesicht (vor Zorn, Scham, Erregung etc.)]
to mantle [archaic] [face: glow with a blush, flush]sich röten [Gesicht (vor Zorn, Scham, Erregung etc.)]
geol. orn. mantle
Mantel {m}
Kamin {m} [Kaminverkleidung]
Hülle {f}
cloth. mantle [cape]
Umhang {m}
jobs mantle [role, job, position or post]
Amt {n} [Rolle, Aufgabe, Position oder Posten]
cloth. mantle [wrap]
Überwurf {m} [Umhang]
2 Words: Nouns
herald. (armorial) mantleWappendecke {f} [veraltet] [Helmdecke]
tech. (gas) mantleGlühstrumpf {m}
anat. acid mantle [hydrolipid film]Säuremantel {m} [Säureschutzmantel (Hydrolipidmantel)]
cloth. coronation mantleKrönungsmantel {m}
geol. earth's mantleErdmantel {m}
tech. gas mantleGasglühstrumpf {m}
tech. gas mantleGasstrumpf {m}
biol. glial mantleGliamantel {m}
chem. heating mantleHeizhaube {f}
chem. heating mantleHeizpilz {m}
ice mantle [ice cover]Eismantel {m} [Eisbedeckung]
tech. incandescent mantleGlühstrumpf {m}
geol. lower mantletiefer Erdmantel {m}
zool. mantle cavityMantelhöhle {f}
biol. mantle cellMantelzelle {f}
geol. mantle convectionMantelkonvektion {f}
biol. mantle epitheliumMantelepithel {n}
MedTech. mantle fieldMantelfeld {n}
geol. mantle flowMantelfluss {m}
geol. mantle fluxMantelflux {m}
zool. mantle grooveMantelrinne {f}
geol. mantle materialMantelmaterial {n}
geol. mantle plumeManteldiapir {m}
geol. mantle plumeMantelplume {m}
spec. mantle tensionMantelspannung {f}
electr. mantle terminalMantelklemme {f}
geol. mantle wedgeMantelkeil {m}
bot. root mantleWurzelmantel {m}
relig. Torah mantle ["Mantle of the Law"]Thoramantel {m}
geol. upper mantleoberer Erdmantel {m}
geol. upper mantleoberer Mantel {m}
chem. Welsbach mantleGlühstrumpf {m}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to grasp the mantleVerantwortung übernehmen
to grasp the mantle [idiom]eine Gelegenheit beim Schopf packen [Redewendung]
to seize the mantledie Führung übernehmen
to seize the mantledie Führungsrolle übernehmen
3 Words: Nouns
anat. med. (protective) acid mantleSäureschutzmantel {m}
med. mantle cell lymphoma <MCL>Mantelzelllymphom {n} <MCL>
MedTech. mantle field techniqueMantelfeldtechnik {f}
mantle of airLufthülle {f}
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A 2011-08-13: @ Romy: In this case acid mantle is correct.
A 2011-08-13: Acid mantle is fine.
A 2011-08-13: acid mantle, but [ugs.] i would say "skin's acidic film"
A 2011-04-27: Sombody's mantle
A 2011-04-26: Sombody's mantle
A 2011-04-26: Mantle as an inheritance
Q 2011-04-26: ...sombody's mantle fall on...
Q 2011-01-08: stretched across/mantle
A 2010-08-15: Rückstreumantel & "mantle"--nonce terms?
A 2010-08-15: Hier wörtlich: back-scattering mantle
A 2010-08-15: In the context of Heisenberg, neutron reflector [mantle].
A 2010-08-15: backscattering mantle ?
A 2010-04-10: cape - mantle
A 2009-11-09: @ Lisa:What's right: +mantel+ or +mantle+ ? Or both?
A 2009-11-09: mantle
A 2009-05-12: under the mantle of ?
A 2008-04-16: 'throw/spread the mantle of silence over sth.' is also common and . . .
Q 2007-02-06: mantle clock
A 2005-10-06: could it be Mantle Cell Lymphoma?
A 2005-07-22: incandescent mantle

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