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English-German translation for: manufacturers
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Dictionary English German: manufacturers

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   a manufacturer | manufacturers
Hersteller {pl}
Handwerker {pl}
2 Words
ind. cutlery manufacturersBesteckhersteller {pl}
comm. knife manufacturersMesserhersteller {pl}
sports manufacturers championshipsMarkenweltmeisterschaften {pl}
manufacturers' agentVertreter {m} der Hersteller
sports manufacturers' championshipsMarkenweltmeisterschaften {pl}
manufacturers' competitionKonkurrenz {f} unter Herstellern
manufacturers' representativeRepräsentant {m} der Hersteller
ind. pharm. pharmaceutical manufacturersArzneimittelhersteller {pl}
stocks planemakers' shares [aircraft manufacturers' shares]Flugzeugaktien {pl} [an der Börse]
jobs soap manufacturersSeifenhersteller {pl}
3 Words
as manufacturers ofals Hersteller von
association of manufacturersHerstellerverband {m}
list of manufacturersListe {f} der Hersteller
4 Words
to compete with other manufacturersmit anderen Herstellern konkurrieren
European Computer Manufacturers Association <ECMA>Europäische Vereinigung {f} der Computerhersteller <ECMA>
National Electrical Manufacturers Association <NEMA>NEMA {f} [Interessensvertretung und Berufsverband der elektrotechnischen Industrie Nordamerikas]
the majority of manufacturersdie meisten Hersteller {pl}
5+ Words
Do you want to contact the manufacturers?Wollen Sie mit den Herstellern Kontakt aufnehmen?
We have been informed by ... that you are manufacturers of ...Wir haben von ... erfahren, dass Sie ... herstellen.
Will you contact the manufacturers?Werden Sie mit den Herstellern Kontakt aufnehmen?
connection of products from other manufacturersAnschluss {m} von Fremdsystemen
econ. electr. German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' AssociationZentralverband {m} Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie <ZVEI>
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A 2024-04-30: Trademark – purpose – to identify the source of the goods, to distinguish ...
A 2016-06-28: ? Press jaws / collars from other manufacturers may be used
A 2012-01-25: In English "original equipment manufacturers = OEM" and "direct outbound ...
A 2010-03-06: UK: Now, chocolate manufacturers from around the world are queuing up at h...
A 2009-11-27: Statement regarding potential losses suffered from market entry of generic...
A 2009-11-27: 'Statement regarding potetial losses incurred by / suffered from market en...
Q 2009-11-02: Diversity is very important too, for as manufacturers agree, the standard ...
A 2009-07-26: the company's partner manufacturers
Q 2009-04-25: Yet the manufacturers *would seem* to be well placed to resist such pressure
A 2008-11-26: Agree again. And don't forget to add trailer manufacturers and trailer dea...
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A 2008-06-01: They reduced their prices, so more people bought, but the manufacturers ma...
A 2008-02-17: the manufacturers are Schmid, but they didnt google.
A 2008-01-25: clothing/clothes companies/manufacturers
A 2008-01-21: Manufacturers have begun lately to develop ...
A 2008-01-18: If it's just the 'manufacturers', then fine. If it includes ...
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