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Dictionary English German: manufacturing

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VERB  to manufacture | manufactured | manufactured
manufacturing | manufactures
SYNO   fabrication | manufacture ... 
manufacturing {adj}
manufacturing {adj}
manufacturing {adj} {pres-p}
tech. manufacturing {adj} [attr.]
manufacturing {adj} {pres-p}
Herstellung {f}
Produktion {f}
ind. manufacturing <MFG>
Fertigung {f}
ind. manufacturing <MFG>
Herstellung {f}
Fabrikation {f}
econ. stat. manufacturing [NACE Code C]Herstellung {f} von Waren [ÖNACE Code C] [österr.]
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to cease manufacturingdie Produktion einstellen
2 Words: Nouns
ind. print additive manufacturing <AM> [3D printing]additive Fertigung {f} <AF> [3D-Druck]
tech. additive manufacturing <AM> [rapid prototyping]generative Fertigung {f}
aircraft manufacturingFlugzeugbau {m}
aircraft manufacturingFlugzeugherstellung {f}
automated manufacturingautomatisierte Fertigung {f}
bone manufacturingKnochenbearbeitung {f}
ind. cellular manufacturingFertigungsinsel {f} [Inselfertigung]
ind. cellular manufacturing [model for workplace design]Inselfertigung {f}
cement manufacturingZementherstellung {f}
comp. chip manufacturing [short for: microchip manufacturing]Chipfertigung {f} [kurz für: Mikrochipfertigung]
chip-manufacturingChipherstellung {f}
ind. component manufacturingBauteilfertigung {f}
contract manufacturingAuftragsfertigung {f}
comm. contract manufacturingLohnherstellung {f}
ind. electronics manufacturingElektronikfertigung {f}
econ. flexible manufacturingflexible Fertigung {f}
furn. furniture manufacturingMöbelfertigung {f}
engin. gear manufacturingGetriebebau {m}
econ. heavy manufacturingSchwerindustrie {f}
ind. mus. tech. instrument manufacturingInstrumentenbau {m}
furn. ind. kitchen manufacturing [manufacture of kitchen furnishings]Küchenbau {m}
econ. lean manufacturingschlanke Produktion {f}
leather manufacturingLedererzeugung {f}
leather manufacturingLederherstellung {f}
econ. ind. local manufacturinglokale Produktion {f}
manufacturing accuracyFertigungsgenauigkeit {f}
manufacturing accuracyHerstellungsgenauigkeit {f}
manufacturing agreementFertigungsvertrag {m}
manufacturing areaProduktionsbereich {m} [Fertigungsbereich]
ind. manufacturing authorisation [Br.] [GMP certificate]Herstellungserlaubnis {f} [GMP-Zertifikat]
econ. manufacturing baseProduktionsstandort {m}
econ. geogr. ind. Manufacturing Belt [also: manufacturing belt] [USA] [dated] [Rust Belt]Manufacturing Belt {m} [veraltet] [Rostgürtel, Industriegürtel in den USA]
manufacturing branchIndustriezweig {m}
manufacturing capacityFertigungskapazität {f}
ind. manufacturing centre [Br.]Herstellungszentrum {n}
manufacturing chainHerstellungskette {f}
manufacturing coatingFertigungsbeschichtung {f}
manufacturing companyFabrikationsbetrieb {m}
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Q 2021-11-28: Hooker-laster – Rubber Products Manufacturing
Q 2021-04-08: manufacturing skills retention or retention of manufacturing skills
A 2018-04-28: https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ei=p2PkWtX3LIbcwQLC8ZHYAQ&q=manufact...
A 2016-07-09: http://disposablediaper.net/faq/can-you-explain-the-manufacturing-process-...
Q 2016-01-26: Manufacturing primes
Q 2015-06-08: manufacturing hub
A 2015-02-02: ... and in due course introducing a sequence of manufacturing stages
Q 2014-07-05: light manufacturing/light production - project Nupharo
A 2013-10-09: vielleicht soll das originell sein? ein Kunstwort aus "manufacturing and f...
A 2013-10-09: Manufacturing
Q 2013-10-09: manufacturing, manufactoring
A 2013-03-07: In the U.S., these are often called "non-manufacturing companies."
A 2013-01-17: Hmm, manufacturing jargon
Q 2012-08-21: …who worked as an executive in the family paper-manufacturing business.
A 2012-07-13: introduction into manufacturing process?
A 2011-12-07: Are they manufacturing armored vehicles?
A 2011-11-22: Applying lean management/manufacturing principles to
Q 2011-08-17: Lean Manufacturing: Kamishibai
A 2011-05-03: there is sth. in manufacturing
Q 2010-11-23: Erweiterung der Kernthemen um den Bereich Clinical Manufacturing

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manufacturing agreement
manufacturing area
manufacturing authorisation
manufacturing base
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manufacturing branch
manufacturing capacity
manufacturing centre
manufacturing chain

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