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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: manuscript
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Dictionary English German: manuscript

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
ADJ   manuscript | more manuscript | most manuscript
NOUN   a manuscript | manuscripts
SYNO   manuscript | ms | holograph ... 
manuscript {adj}
manuscript <ms.>
Manuskript {n}
manuscript <ms.>
Handschrift {f} <Hs.> [Manuskript]
Abschrift {f}
print manuscript
Druckvorlage {f}
2 Words: Nouns
ancient manuscriptalte Handschrift {f}
bot. hist. med. Badianus Manuscript [also: Codex de la Cruz-Badiano, Codex Barberini]Libellus {m} de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis [auch: Codex Badianus, Codex de la Cruz-Badiano, Codex Barberini]
bibl. Bible manuscriptBibelhandschrift {f}
bibl. biblical manuscriptBibelhandschrift {f}
composite manuscriptSammelhandschrift {f}
crude manuscriptunausgearbeitetes Manuskript {n}
publ. illuminated manuscriptBilderhandschrift {f}
acad. educ. lecture manuscriptVorlesungsmanuskript {n}
art magnificent manuscriptPrachthandschrift {f}
hist. lit. Manesse manuscriptManessische Liederhandschrift {f}
libr. manuscript collectionHandschriftensammlung {f}
manuscript compilationSammelhandschrift {f}
manuscript departmentHandschriftenabteilung {f} [in einer Bibliothek]
hist. lit. relig. manuscript findsHandschriftenfunde {pl}
lit. manuscript materialManuskriptmaterial {n}
hist. lit. publ. manuscript pageManuskriptseite {f}
hist. ling. relig. manuscript traditionhandschriftliche Überlieferung {f}
hist. lit. manuscript transmissionhandschriftliche Überlieferung {f}
print manuscript versionManuskriptversion {f}
lit. original manuscriptOriginalmanuskript {n}
lit. original manuscriptUrmanuskript {n}
art hist. pictorial manuscriptBilderhandschrift {f}
lit. reference manuscriptLeithandschrift {f}
hist. lit. Voynich manuscriptVoynich-Manuskript {n}
3 Words: Others
in manuscript (form) {adj} {adv} [handwritten]handschriftlich
3 Words: Verbs
lit. to cut a manuscriptein Manuskript kürzen
acad. to submit a manuscriptein Manuskript einreichen
3 Words: Nouns
libr. manuscript on paper <M.o.p.>Papierhandschrift {f}
libr. manuscript on vellum <M.o.v.>Pergamenthandschrift {f}
4 Words: Nouns
journ. lit. publ. delivery of (the) manuscriptManuskriptabgabe {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F An Old Manuscript [also: An Old Leaf]Ein altes Blatt [Franz Kafka]
lit. F The Chancellor Manuscript [Robert Ludlum]Das Kastler-Manuskript
lit. F The Godwulf Manuscript [Robert B. Parker]Die Schnauze voll Gerechtigkeit [auch: Spenser und das gestohlene Manuskript]
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Q 2012-06-26: organization and production of a manuscript?
A 2012-01-31: Repository sounds quite officious, it's often used to mean the building/ar...
A 2009-02-17: cited according to the manuscript
A 2008-08-15: There is no original German version of the manuscript
A 2008-02-15: 'manuscript management' nur zur Unterscheidung vom eigentlichen document mgmt
A 2008-02-15: manuscript management ?
A 2007-08-28: Mixed manuscript?
A 2004-10-30: What about 'draft manuscript'?

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manuscripts MSS mss mss.

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