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English-German translation for: march
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Dictionary English German: march

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NOUN1   a march | marches
NOUN2   March [month] | -
VERB  to march | marched | marched ... 
SYNO   Mar | March | to march | to process ... 
NOUN   die March | -
to march
to march
stiefeln [ugs.]
pol. to march [walk in an organized procession as a form of protest]einen Protestmarsch machen
to march sb.jdn. marschieren lassen
March <Mar.>
März {m} <Mrz., Mär.>
Marsch {m}
pol. march
Demonstration {f}
Fußmarsch {m}
geogr. hist. march [border area]
Grenzmark {f}
march [Br.] [e. g. Welsh marches]
Mark {f} [Grenzland]
geogr. MoravaMarch {f} [bes. für österreichisch-slowakischen Teil]
2 Words: Others
mil. Forward march!Abmarsch!
mil. Forward march!Vorwärts, marsch!
mil. Forward march!Im Gleichschritt, marsch!
mid-March {adj} [attr.]Mitte März [nachgestellt]
mil. Quick march!Im Laufschritt, marsch marsch!
2 Words: Verbs
to frog-march sb. [coll.]jdn. fortschleppen [ugs.]
to march along [with others]mitmarschieren
to march byvorbeimarschieren
to march hardstramm marschieren [ugs.]
to march ineinmarschieren
mil. to march intoeinrücken in
to march offabmarschieren
to march offfortmarschieren
to march offsich in Marsch setzen
mil. TrVocab. to march off [start to march]losmarschieren [anfangen zu marschieren]
to march outausrücken
mil. to march pastdefilieren
to march pastvorbeimarschieren
to march past sb./sth. [mil.]an jdm./etw. vorbeidefilieren
to march sb. offjdn. abführen
mil. to march sb. offjdn. in Marsch setzen
to march throughdurchmarschieren
mil. to march throughdurchziehen [Truppen]
to march up [soldiers etc.]aufziehen [aufmarschieren]
2 Words: Nouns
med. allergic marchEtagenwechsel {m}
mil. approach marchAnnäherungsmarsch {m}
mil. mus. cavalry marchReitermarsch {m}
mus. circus marchZirkusmarsch {m}
mil. mus. cuirassier march [also: cuirassier's march or cuirassiers march]Kürassiermarsch {m}
mil. day's marchEtappe {f}
day's marchTagesmarsch {m}
dead marchLeichenmarsch {m}
dead marchTotenmarsch {m}
death marchTodesmarsch {m}
mil. mus. dragoons marchDragonermarsch {m} [auch: Dragoner-Marsch]
Easter marchOstermarsch {m}
hist. Eastern MarchOstmark {f}
hist. Electoral March [Brandenburg]Kurmark {f}
mil. endurance marchLeistungsmarsch {m}
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A 2024-04-15: Xerox Corporation US Trademarks List of March 31, 2024
A 2019-05-14: 31 March
A 2018-09-26: In the UK: +"BY THE RIGHT, QUICK MARCH"+ or +"BY THE LEFT, QUICK MARCH"+
A 2016-11-11: Wortspiel mit +to frog-march sb.+
A 2016-03-17: March 17
Q 2016-03-17: March 17
A 2016-03-14: the twenty-first of March, two thousand sixteen
A 2016-03-06: Context; 6 March is not given in the LINK
Q 2015-11-05: Remember, remember the 5th of November: gunpowder, treason and plot? Did y...
A 2015-11-03: disciplinary march
Q 2015-04-21: stop the march towards a welfare society
A 2015-02-14: E.g. +by early March > bis spätestens Anfang März+
A 2014-11-01: Ides of March
Q 2014-06-03: "after finishing her trip, latest by March 2015,she will..."
A 2014-04-05: Mad as a March hare.
Q 2014-04-05: March Madness
Q 2014-03-16: 17 March
A 2014-02-23: He also allowed the Guard Hussars to play the regimental march again.
Q 2013-03-12: More snow in March?
A 2012-12-13: March 1, 2013, if in the U.S.

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