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English-German translation for: maritime
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Dictionary English German: maritime

Translation 1 - 50 of 134  >>


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ADJ   maritime | more maritime | most maritime
SYNO   marine | maritime | nautical
ADJ  maritim | maritimer | am maritimsten
maritimer | maritime | maritimes
maritimster | maritimste | maritimstes
maritime {adj}
See- [Meeres-]
maritime {adj}
maritime {adj}zur See gehörend
maritime {adj}zur See gehörig
2 Words: Nouns
jobs naut. (maritime) pilotHafenlotse {m}
jobs naut. (maritime) pilot [female]Hafenlotsin {f}
ind. naut. marine industrymaritime Industrie {f}
naut. maritime accidentSchiffsunfall {m} [auf dem Meer]
naut. maritime accidentSchiffsunglück {n} [auf dem Meer]
maritime adventurerSeeabenteurer {m}
geogr. Maritime AlpsMeeralpen {pl}
geogr. Maritime AlpsSeealpen {pl}
acad. archaeo. maritime archaeology [underwater]Unterwasserarchäologie {f} [am Meeresboden]
naut. maritime areaMeeresgebiet {n}
naut. maritime areaSeegebiet {n}
art maritime artmaritime Kunst {f}
art maritime artistMaler {m} von Seestücken
geogr. maritime borderMeeresgrenze {f}
maritime borderSeegrenze {f}
maritime boundarySeegrenze {f}
naut. maritime casualtySeeunfall {m}
maritime chronometerMarinechronometer {n}
maritime citySeestadt {f}
geogr. meteo. maritime climateMeeresklima {n}
geogr. meteo. maritime climateSeeklima {n}
geogr. meteo. maritime climatemaritimes Klima {n}
maritime containerSeecontainer {m}
FireResc naut. maritime disasterSchiffskatastrophe {f}
ecol. maritime environmentMeeresumwelt {f}
maritime eventmaritimes Ereignis {n}
mil. maritime exerciseSeeübung {f}
maritime familySeefahrerfamilie {f}
maritime freightSeefracht {f}
maritime helicoptermaritimer Hubschrauber {m}
ind. naut. maritime industrySchifffahrtsbranche {f}
ind. naut. maritime industrySchifffahrtsindustrie {f}
ind. naut. maritime industrySeefahrtsindustrie {f}
ind. naut. maritime industrymaritime Industrie {f}
insur. maritime insuranceSeeversicherung {f}
law maritime jurisdictionSeegerichtsbarkeit {f}
law maritime lawSchifffahrtsrecht {n}
law naut. maritime lawSeerecht {n}
law naut. maritime lienSchiffspfandrecht {n}
law maritime lienSeepfandrecht {n}
mining maritime miningMeeresbergbau {m}
naut. maritime museumSeefahrtsmuseum {n}
maritime museum [for marine science]Meereskundemuseum {n}
maritime museum [for seafaring]Schifffahrtsmuseum {n}
maritime nationSeefahrernation {f}
maritime nationSeenation {f}
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Q 2013-03-20: Maritime blockade
A 2011-08-19: I guess the maritime connection is the ...welle. Lame.
A 2011-08-19: I thought there might be a maritime connection -
A 2011-01-12: http://www.mcgill.ca/maritimelaw/glossaries/maritime/
Q 2011-01-12: actual fault or privity (maritime law)
Q 2009-05-20: maritime worker
A 2008-07-11: maritime lien (Schiffspfandrecht)
A 2008-07-05: Maritime!
A 2008-07-05: Maritime Woche ....
Q 2008-07-05: Maritime in this regard in German. Do you know how to translate this
A 2006-08-14: oder meinst du: ... we are co-shaping maritime policy/ies at the forefront
A 2006-08-14: where...the shaping of maritime policies is concerned we are part of the v...
A 2006-08-14: well, I was thinking of 'specialises in ' ...maritime/marine....
A 2006-08-14: is a maritime specialist
Q 2006-08-14: in Sachen Meer...marine? maritime? the sea?
A 2006-08-03: upgrade maritime policy to: maritime policy activities
A 2005-05-30: I'm really not too sure about maritime slang...

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