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English-German translation for: masses
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Dictionary English German: masses

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
NOUN1   a Mass | Masses
NOUN2   a mass | masses
VERB  to mass | massed | massed
massing | masses
SYNO   hoi polloi | mass | masses ... 
Massen {pl}
Mengen {pl}
masses {pl}
Masse {f} [Bevölkerungsmasse, Mehrheit]
med. masses [growths]
Raumforderungen {pl}
pol. the massesdie Volksmassen {pl}
the masses {pl}die breite Masse {f}
2 Words: Others
masses of {adj}massenhaft
2 Words: Verbs
to eat masses [coll.]Unmengen essen
2 Words: Nouns
meteo. air massesLuftmassen {pl}
determined massesentschlossene Massen {pl}
geogr. land massesLandmassen {pl}
loose masses {pl}Lockermaterial {n}
masses {pl} of sth. [coll.] [a large quantity or amount of sth.]eine Menge {f} etw.Nom. / von etw.Dat. [bei folgendem Plural (z. B. Fragen) auch mit Verb im Pl.]
morning massesFrühmetten {pl}
peasant massesBauernmassen {pl}
meteo. snow massesSchneemassen {pl}
stone massesSteinmassen {pl}
hydro. water masses [bodies of Ocean water with a common formation history]Wassermassen {pl} [eindeutig identifizierbare Volumina Wasser im Ozean]
3 Words: Nouns
med. lumps or massesKnoten oder Vergrößerungen
masses of earthErdmassen {pl}
material masses of sandSandmassen {pl}
meteo. masses of snowSchneemassen {pl}
masses of stoneSteinmassen {pl}
mil. masses of troopsHeeresmassen {pl}
masses of visitorsBesuchermassen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
choice of the massesMassengeschmack {m}
law incitement of the massesVolksverhetzung {f}
relig. Masses for the deadTotenmessen {pl}
meteo. masses of warm airwarme Luftmassen {pl}
pol. sociol. party of the massesMassenpartei {f}
meteo. solid masses of cloudsgeballte Wolkenmassen {pl}
5+ Words: Verbs
pol. to win the support of the massesdie Unterstützung der Massen gewinnen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
theatre F Masses and ManMasse Mensch [Ernst Toller]
lit. F The Revolt of the Masses [José Ortega y Gasset]Der Aufstand der Massen
sociol. F The Salaried Masses: Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany.Die Angestellten. Aus dem neuesten Deutschland [Siegfried Kracauer]
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A 2010-08-07: Wow, look at those masses of people listening and clapping...
A 2010-07-05: draw in the masses
A 2010-04-15: for the masses
A 2010-02-14: ... if you eat masses of it
A 2009-08-06: the large masses of water exude a mellowing effect on the climate
A 2008-12-02: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/masses
A 2008-12-02: ups - english .... the masses - the body of people .....
A 2007-08-23: masses of answers here
A 2007-08-23: That is what makes the consumer stand out from the masses
A 2007-02-06: making masses of chemicals on the land? I hope not
A 2006-10-14: This austerity, however, was not to the taste of the masses who certainly ...
A 2006-08-03: Yikes Kalinka, poor you, what a storm in a tea-cup! In this instance the m...

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