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English-German translation for: massive legs
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: massive legs

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

furn. [a wooden chair with four slanted legs and a slab-like backrest dovetailed into the massive plank seat]Stabelle {f}
Partial Matches
heavy {adj} [massive, big]wuchtig
massier {adj} [more massive]massiver
moliminous {adj} [archaic] [massive]immens
astron. MACHO [Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Object]MACHO {n} [dunkle Materie]
crossed {adj} {past-p} [legs]verschränkt
bandy {adj} [legs]säbelkrumm [Beine]
crossing [legs]Verschränkung {f} [Beine]
rubbery {adj} [weak legs]gummiweich [ugs.]
to cross [arms or legs]verschränken
to swing [arms, legs etc.]schlenkern
sports to tuck (up) [legs]anhocken [Beine]
Unverified dangly {adj} [legs, arms etc.]schlenkerig [ugs.]
Unverified dangly {adj} [legs, arms etc.]schlenkrig [ugs.]
FireResc med. elevated {adj} {past-p} [e.g. legs]hochgebettet [hochgelagert]
to give out [engine, legs etc.]versagen
med. skin apron [panniculus as a result of loose tissues after pregnancy or massive weight loss]Bauchschürze {f} [nach einer Schwangerschaft od. starker Gewichtsabnahme]
cosmet. to wax [e.g. legs]mit Wachs behandeln
[thick legs]Stempel {pl} [ugs.] [fig.] [auffallend dicke Beine]
pins [coll.] [legs]Haxen {pl} [hum.] [Beine] [auch regional]
to rear up [stand on hind legs]sich bäumen
VetMed. zool. stiffness in elephants [in legs]Steifbeinigkeit {f} der Elefanten
zool. biped [an animal that uses two legs for walking]Aufrechtgänger {m}
sports standing jump [with legs together]Schlusssprung {m} [Sprung mit geschlossenen Beinen]
to cross sth. [one's legs]etw.Akk. unterschlagen [übereinanderschlagen] [die Beine]
furn. rung [crosspiece between the legs of a chair]Querverstrebung {f} [zwischen Stuhlbeinen]
toned (up) {adj} {past-p} [arms, legs etc.]getont [durchtrainiert, von Armen, Beinen usw.]
to rear (up) [of an animal on its hind legs]sich aufbäumen
to roll sth. up [sleeves, pant legs]etw.Akk. umkrempeln [Ärmel, Hosenbeine]
to tuck (up) [legs, thighs, knees etc.]anziehen [Beine, Oberschenkel, Knie usw.]
to give way [legs, knee joint, etc.]wegsacken [ugs.] [wegknicken] [Beine, Gelenk usw.]
tucked up {past-p} [legs, thighs, knees etc.]angezogen [Position der Beine, Knie, Schenkel usw.]
skinniest {adj} [e.g. arms, legs, neck]dünnste [magerste, dürrste] [z. B. Arme, Beine, Hals]
VetMed. bench knee [a structural fault of the horse's front legs]Bankknie {n} [verschobenes Knie]
naked {adj} [children, legs etc.; also: bulb, branch, truth]nackt [Kinder, Beine etc.; auch: Glühbirne, Ast, Wahrheit]
bare {adj} [legs, feet, chest, etc.; also: branch, wall, floor]nackt [Beine, Füße, Oberkörper etc.; auch: Ast, Wand, Boden]
aviat. center stick [Am.] [in the center of the cockpit between the pilot's legs]Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz]
aviat. centre stick [Br.] [in the centre of the cockpit between the pilot's legs]Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz]
entom. anal proleg [either of the pair of false legs occurring on the 10th abdominal segment of caterpillars]Nachschieber {m} [bei Raupen]
cloth. cutoffs {pl} [also: cut-offs] [one pair] [short pants/trousers that are made from long pants by cutting off the legs at the knees or higher](knielang) abgeschnittene Hose {f}
hunting jesses {pl} [one pair of short straps fastened around the legs of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened]Geschüh {n} [meistens Lederbänder an den Füßen der Greifvögel]
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