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English-German translation for: matched
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Dictionary English German: matched

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VERB  to match | matched | matched ... 
matched {adj}
matched {past-p}
electr. tech. matched {adj} {past-p}
matched {adj}
passend [abgestimmt]
matched {adj} {past-p}
matched {past-p}
matched {adj}
matched {adj} {past-p}gematcht [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
age-matched {adj}gleichaltrig
book-matched {adj}[spiegelsymmetrische Furniermaserung]
constr. end-matched {adj}mit Nut und Feder
evenly-matched {adj}ausgeglichen
ill-matched {adj}nicht zusammenpassend
well-matched {adj}gut aufeinander abgestimmt
2 Words: Nouns
phys. telecom. matched filterOptimalfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
electr. matched filterMatched-Filter {m} [auch: Matched Filter]
electr. matched lineangepasste Leitung {f}
comm. matched orderKauf {m} passend zu Verkauf
matched pairsabgestimmte Paare {pl}
matched pairsgleichartige Paare {pl}
matched partsPassteile {pl}
comm. matched sales {pl}Verkauf {m} passend zu Kauf
matched sampleParallelstichprobe {f}
electr. matched terminationangepasster Abschluss {m}
3 Words: Others
They're ill-matched.Die beiden passen nicht zueinander.
3 Words: Verbs
to be evenly matchedeinander ebenbürtig sein
to be unevenly matchedeinander nicht ebenbürtig sein
3 Words: Nouns
well-matched couplegut zusammenpassendes Paar {n}
4 Words: Others
matched to one person {adj} [postpos.]abgestimmt auf eine Person [nachgestellt]
matched to one person {adj} [postpos.]auf eine Person abgestimmt
4 Words: Nouns
art the ill-matched coupledas Ungleiche Paar {n} [Sujet]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Matched Pair [Eva Rutland]Ein doppeltes Spiel
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A 2023-05-14: Boring boudoir secrets? Would they have matched the scullery maid's love life?
A 2013-11-28: matched her pattern of prey
Q 2012-07-18: matched pairs t-test = t-Test für abgestimmte/gleichartige/verbundene Stic...
Q 2012-04-15: Finanztext: Bulletin Board quotations and shares that trade by matched bar...
Q 2011-08-07: "horsepower matched" - In einem Promo-Text über Stromaggregate:
A 2011-03-31: At 0:39, clearly "I matched the man..."
Q 2011-03-30: Am I correct in interpreting "I matched the man behind the bar for the jukebox"
Q 2011-03-29: is matched by
A 2011-03-21: ill matched? - contradictionary?
Q 2011-03-14: vaccine-matched
A 2010-12-28: Möglicherweise ist MATCHED ... als Fachausdruck bei Studien ins Deutsche ü...
A 2010-12-28: matched pairs > abgestimmte Paare, gleichartige Paare (bitte in dict.cc ei...
A 2010-10-14: ... Bitte in dict.cc einspeisen: gegenüberstehen (Ansprüche) > be matched...
Q 2009-08-28: matched-pair organ donations
Q 2009-06-24: matched documents
A 2009-04-26: sure "to be well matched" "+to be+ (well) suited to each other".
A 2008-11-06: particularly the colour-matched joining strips show off / show to their ad...
A 2008-10-30: that one's own aspirations are matched by those of one's colleagues / of o...
A 2007-11-29: colours are matched/reflected by ... ?
Q 2007-10-26: ...see if the M.O.'s matched...

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