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English-German translation for: material logic
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Dictionary English German: material logic

Translation 1 - 50 of 1311  >>

material logicSachlogik {f}
Partial Matches
logicLogik {f}
logicStringenz {f} [geh.] [logische Richtigkeit]
psych. adult logicErwachsenenlogik {f}
applied logicangewandte Logik {f}
comp. binary logicBinärlogik {f}
binary logiczweiwertige Logik {f}
Boolean logicBoole'sche Logik {f}
Boolean logicboolesche Logik {f}
comp. business logicAnwendungslogik {f}
comp. business logicGeschäftslogik {f} [Fachlogik]
philos. causal logicKausallogik {f}
circuit logicSchaltkreislogik {f}
combinational logicSchaltungslogik {f}
compound logicVerbundlogik {f}
comp. computer logicComputerlogik {f}
math. philos. conditional logicKonditionallogik {f}
comp. tech. control logicSteuerlogik {f}
math. philos. deontic logicdeontische Logik {f}
developmental logicEntwicklungslogik {f}
comp. domain logicDomainlogik {f}
comp. domain logicGeschäftslogik {f} [Domain-Logic]
philos. doxastic logicdoxastische Logik {f}
comp. encryption logicVerschlüsselungslogik {f}
everyday logicAlltagslogik {f}
faulty logicfehlerhafte Logik {f}
formal logicformale Logik {f}
philos. functional logicFunktionslogik {f}
fuzzy logicFuzzy Logic {f}
fuzzy logicFuzzylogic {f}
comp. stat. fuzzy logicFuzzylogik {f}
fuzzy logicunscharfe Logik {f}
comp. glue logicVerbindungslogik {f}
comp. Hoare logicHoare-Logik {f}
math. infinitary logicinfinitäre Logik {f}
inherent logicEigenlogik {f}
electr. injection logicInjektionslogik {f}
interconnecting logicVerbindungslogik {f}
internal logicBinnenlogik {f}
internal logicinnere Logik {f}
internal logicinterne Logik {f}
math. philos. intuitionist logicintuitionistische Logik {f}
logic additionlogische Addition {f}
math. logic algebraSchaltalgebra {f}
comp. logic boardLogikplatine {f}
logic chipLogikbaustein {m}
electr. tech. logic chipLogikchip {m}
logic circuitLogik {f} [ugs. für: Logikschaltung]
logic circuitlogische Schaltung {f}
logic comparatorLogikkomparator {m}
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