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English-German translation for: maternity
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Dictionary English German: maternity

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
NOUN   maternity | maternities
SYNO   maternity | motherhood | gestation ... 
Mutterschaft {f}
med. maternity [medical jargon for maternity ward]
Entbindung {f} [ugs.] [Entbindungsstation]
med. maternity
Maternität {f}
2 Words: Nouns
med. maternity (ward)Maternité {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
maternity allowance <MA>Mutterschaftsgeld {n} <MSG, MG>
maternity allowance <MA>Wochengeld {n} [österr.]
maternity benefit <MB>Mutterschaftsgeld {n} <MSG, MG>
maternity benefit <MB>Mutterschaftshilfe {f}
maternity benefit <MB>Wochengeld {n} [österr.]
maternity benefit <MB>Wochenhilfe {f} [veraltet] [Mutterschaftshilfe]
maternity benefit <MB> [childbirth allowance]Geburtsbeihilfe {f}
med. psych. maternity bluespostpartales Stimmungstief {n}
maternity blues [treated as sg. or pl.]Heultage {pl} [ugs.] [postpartales Stimmungstief]
cloth. maternity braSchwangerschafts-BH {m}
cloth. maternity braUmstands-BH {m}
med. maternity clinicGeburtsklinik {f}
cloth. maternity clothesUmstandskleider {pl} [Umstandskleidung]
cloth. maternity clothesUmstandskleidung {f}
cloth. maternity clothingUmstandskleidung {f}
cloth. maternity dressUmstandskleid {n}
cloth. maternity dressesUmstandskleider {pl}
cloth. maternity fashionUmstandsmode {f}
med. maternity homeEntbindungsheim {n}
maternity homeGeburtsklinik {f}
maternity homeWöchnerinnenheim {n}
med. maternity hospitalAccouchierhaus {n} [veraltet]
hist. med. maternity hospitalEntbindungsanstalt {f} [veraltend]
med. maternity hospitalEntbindungsheim {n}
med. maternity hospitalEntbindungsklinik {f}
maternity hospitalGeburtsklinik {f}
insur. maternity insuranceMutterschaftsversicherung {f}
jobs law maternity leaveKarenz {f} [österr.] [Mutterschaftsurlaub]
jobs law maternity leaveKarenzurlaub {m} [österr.] [für Mütter]
jobs law maternity leaveMutterschaftskarenz {f} [österr.]
jobs law maternity leaveMutterschaftspause {f} [schweiz.] [österr.]
jobs law maternity leaveMutterschaftsurlaub {m} [veraltend]
jobs law maternity leaveMutterschutzurlaub {m}
med. maternity logMutterpass {m}
cloth. maternity lookSchwangerschaftslook {m}
jobs maternity nurseSäuglingskrankenschwester {f}
cloth. maternity pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Umstandshose {f}
maternity periodMutterschutzfrist {f}
maternity protectionMutterschutz {m}
law maternity rightsMutterschutz {m}
med. maternity roomWochenstube {f} [veraltet] [Entbindungszimmer]
cloth. maternity skirtUmstandsrock {m}
cloth. comm. maternity storeUmstandsmodegeschäft {n}
cloth. comm. maternity storeUmstandsmodengeschäft {n}
cloth. maternity trousers {pl} [one pair]Umstandshose {f}
cloth. maternity uniformUmstandsuniform {f}
med. maternity unitEntbindungsstation {f}
med. maternity wardEntbindungsstation {f}
med. maternity wardGebärabteilung {f} [schweiz.] [Geburtsstation]
med. maternity wardGeburtsstation {f}
med. maternity wardWöchnerinnenabteilung {f}
med. maternity wardWöchnerinnenstation {f}
cloth. comm. maternity wearUmstandskleidung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
extended maternity leaveErziehungsurlaub {m} [Mutter]
joy of maternityMutterglück {n}
maternity leave coverMutterschutzvertretung {f}
maternity leave replacementKarenzvertretung {f} [österr.]
law Maternity Protection ActMutterschutzgesetz {n}
law Maternity Protection ConventionÜbereinkommen {n} über den Mutterschutz
paid maternity leaveMutterschutz {m}
paid maternity leavebezahlter Erziehungsurlaub {m}
law statutory maternity pay [UK]gesetzliches Mutterschaftsgeld {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to be on maternity leaveim / in Mutterschutz sein
4 Words: Nouns
long-term maternity leaveErziehungsurlaub {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Maternity [House season 1]Nichts hilft
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A 2022-06-24: From maternity care to women-centered care - an interdisciplinary approach
A 2010-10-13: NI covers more than that: maternity pay, sick pay (when still employed!), ...
Q 2009-11-25: maternity service
A 2009-04-30: If the context is maternity leave,
A 2009-01-29: UK: "benefits" sind Unterstützungszahlungen (e.g. maternity benefit, incap...
Q 2009-01-28: maternity ward question
A 2008-04-09: Maternity ward
A 2007-08-10: maternity (leave) replacement / fill-in / temp
A 2007-01-12: maternity clothes / clothing
A 2007-01-12: Maternity clothes
A 2006-12-17: maternity ward
A 2006-09-01: would maternity benefit do
A 2004-11-23: payment during maternity leave / Maternity Leave
A 2004-09-07: We learned from Mrs X that you are replacing OR representing Mrs Y during ...
A 2004-01-20: Mutterschutzvorschriften: Maternity Protection Regulations

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