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English-German translation for: matter
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Dictionary English German: matter

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NOUN1   a matter | matters
NOUN2   matter | -
VERB  to matter | mattered | mattered ... 
SYNO   to count | to matter | to weigh ... 
ADJ1  matt | matter | am mattesten
matter | matte | mattes
mattester | matteste | mattestes
ADJ2  matt | matter | am mattsten/am mattesten
matter | matte | mattes
fainter {adv}
matter [schwächer]
matted {adj}mit matter Oberfläche
to matter
to matter
zählen [wichtig sein]
to matteretwas ausmachen [von Bedeutung sein]
to matterwichtig sein
to mattereine Rolle spielen
to mattervon Bedeutung sein
to matter [be crucial]darauf ankommen [entscheidend sein]
to matter [discharge pus: of wounds]eitern
matter [affair, issue, business]
Angelegenheit {f}
Sache {f}
Anliegen {n} [Angelegenheit]
matter [reason]
Grund {m}
matter [substance, also: subject, question]
Materie {f}
matter [case, instance]
Fall {m} [Angelegenheit]
Gegenstand {m}
Material {n}
Stoff {m} [Materie, Material]
Substanz {f}
med. matter
Eiter {m}
matter [affair]
Chose {f} [ugs.] [Angelegenheit, Sache]
2 Words: Others
Doesn't matter. <dm, DM, Dm>Egal!
no matter {adv}ganz gleich
no matter ...unabhängig davon, ...
2 Words: Verbs
to matter to sb.jdn. beschäftigen
to matter to sb.für jdn. von Interesse sein
2 Words: Nouns
market. advertising matterWerbedrucksache {f}
astral matterSternmaterie {f}
publ. back matterApparat {m}
phys. baryonic matterbaryonische Materie {f}
cerebral matterGehirnmasse {f}
law civil matterZivilsache {f}
classified matterVerschlusssache {f}
material coloring matter [Am.] [for textiles etc.]Färbemittel {n} [zum Färben von Stoff etc.]
material coloring matter [Am.] [for treating surfaces]Farbmittel {n} [zur Oberflächenbehandlung]
material colouring matter [Br.] [for textiles etc.]Färbemittel {n} [zum Färben von Stoff etc.]
colouring matter [Br.] [for treating surfaces]Farbmittel {n} [zur Oberflächenbehandlung]
complex matterverwickelte Angelegenheit {f}
confidential matterVerschlusssache {f}
confidential matterVertrauenssache {f}
confidential mattervertrauliche Angelegenheit {f}
contagious matterKrankheitsstoff {m}
content matterInhalt {m}
contentious matterstrittige Angelegenheit {f}
controversial matterstrittige Angelegenheit {f}
educ. course matter [course content]Kursinhalt {m}
anat. cranial matterSchädelmasse {f}
law criminal matterStrafsache {f}
biochem. med. dark matter [non-coding DNA]dunkle Materie {f} [nicht-codierende Erbsubstanz]
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A 2024-01-04: When you yourself cannot deduce the meaning of a phrase, reflect first on ...
Q 2023-09-22: matter under consideration
A 2023-07-15: Yes, matter of interpretation. Reminds me of 'Et tu Brute?' 'Naw, I ain't ...
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A 2020-09-16: it doesn't matter to what end, any end will do. The crucial factor is that...
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A 2020-05-03: This is a matter of business policy, it seems to me, rather than good or b...
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A 2019-04-16: That does not matter. Fact is that some people may find natural beauty fe...
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