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English-German translation for: meal
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Dictionary English German: meal

Translation 1 - 50 of 229  >>

English German
NOUN1   meal | -
NOUN2   a meal | meals
SYNO   meal | repast
Mahlzeit {f}
Essen {n}
Mahl {n}
gastr. meal
Schrotmehl {n}
gastr. meal
Schrot {m} {n}
gastr. meal [esp. festive]
Tafel {f} [Essen, Festmahl]
gastr. meal(grobes) Mehl {n}
2 Words: Others
piece-meal {adv}Stück für Stück
2 Words: Verbs
to commend sb.'s mealjds. Mahlzeit loben
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. gastr. airline mealFlugzeugessen {n}
gastr. almond mealMandelkleie {f}
gastr. almond mealMandelschrot {m} {n}
med. MedTech. barium mealBariumbrei {m}
MedTech. barium mealKontrastbrei {m}
MedTech. barium mealKontrastmahlzeit {f}
MedTech. barium mealRöntgenbrei {m} [Kontrastmittel, bes. für Magenuntersuchung]
MedTech. barium mealRöntgenmahlzeit {f} [Kontrastspeise, Röntgenbrei]
MedTech. barium meal [contrast medium]Kontrastmittelbrei {m} [Bariumbrei]
MedTech. barium meal [contrast medium]Kontrastspeise {f} [Kontrastmittelbrei]
gastr. barley mealGerstenmehl {n}
entom. blood mealBlutmahlzeit {f}
agr. blood mealBlutmehl {n}
bone mealKnochenmehl {n}
agr. carcass mealTiermehl {n}
celebratory mealFestmahl {n}
child's meal [restaurant]Kindermenü {n}
coarse mealSchrotmehl {n}
coarse mealurwüchsige Mahlzeit {f}
relig. common mealMahlgemeinschaft {f}
communal mealGemeinschaftsmahl {n}
MedTech. contrast mealKontrastmahlzeit {f}
MedTech. contrast mealRöntgenbrei {m} [Kontrastmittel, bes. für Magenuntersuchung]
gastr. cooked mealwarmes Essen {n}
gastr. Easter mealOstermahl {n}
evening mealAbendmahlzeit {f}
gastr. evening mealNachtessen {n} [südd.] [schweiz.]
evening mealNachtmahlzeit {f}
family mealFamilienessen {n}
family mealFamilienmahl {f} [geh.]
family mealFamilienmahlzeit {f}
gastr. family meal [festively laid]Familientafel {f} [geh.]
fellowship mealGemeinschaftsmahl {n}
FoodInd. fish mealFischmehl {n}
geol. fossil mealInfusorienerde {f}
full mealganze Mahlzeit {f}
funeral mealLeichenessen {n} [schweiz.] [regional] [Leichenmahl]
funeral mealLeichenmahl {n}
funeral mealLeichenschmaus {m}
gastr. healthy mealgesunde Mahlzeit {f}
fish FoodInd. herring mealHeringsmehl {n}
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A 2022-06-17: Wäre es nicht gut, +Tageskarte / Tagesmenü bzw. Menü+ in dict.cc gegenseit...
A 2021-05-06: Yes, but +Tee+ isn't a meal.
A 2014-10-16: meal deal
Q 2014-09-10: oat meal cream pies
A 2014-04-25: What's available for a (quick) meal?
A 2014-03-05: It's usually eating a meal high in carbohydrate, e.g. pasta.
Q 2013-10-27: like he was a meal
Q 2013-06-19: sheath needle, sheath meal, and ring down artifact
A 2013-03-22: Children's meal is Kindermenü.
A 2012-07-31: To stop eating beans (in general or the beans at this meal).
Q 2012-06-15: Can you evade a meal???
A 2012-03-30: Nochmals zu "meal": Standard format of XY® is 14 mesh meal.
Q 2012-03-30: Appearance: Dark Greenish Meal
A 2012-03-28: "Respite" is often said or written in error for "repast," which means meal...
Q 2011-09-13: Free lunch, free meal
A 2011-08-18: positiv ausgedrückt - have a light meal .... ?!
A 2011-08-18: "rich" food, but "heavy" meal.
Q 2011-06-17: opulent meal
Q 2011-02-06: crib - a small meal ?
A 2010-12-27: "Supper" always implies "evening," but "Vesper" could be a light mid-after...

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