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English-German translation for: measuring
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Dictionary English German: measuring

Translation 1 - 50 of 433  >>

English German
NOUN   a measuring | measurings
VERB  to measure | measured | measured
measuring | measures
SYNO   measure | measurement | measuring ... 
measuring {adj} {pres-p}
measuring {adj}
measuring {adj}Meß- [alt]
Messen {n}
Maßnehmen {n}
Vermessung {f}
Vermessen {n}
Einmessen {n}
measuringMessung {f}
2 Words: Others
phys. tech. force-measuring {adj}Kraftmess-
phys. tech. force-measuring {adj}kraftmessend
2 Words: Verbs
to measuring foranmessend
2 Words: Nouns
(measuring) filamentMessdraht {m} [Messtechnik]
tech. (measuring) gaugeMessschablone {f} [auch: Mess-Schablone]
digital measuringdigitale Messwerterfassung {f}
tech. measuring accuracyMessgenauigkeit {f}
electr. measuring adapterMessadapter {m}
measuring amplifierMessverstärker {m}
measuring amplifierMeßverstärker {m} [alt]
tech. measuring angleMesswinkel {m}
measuring anvilMessamboss {m}
measuring apparatusMessanordnung {f} [Messtechnik]
tools measuring apparatusMessapparat {m}
measuring apparatusMessapparatur {f}
tools measuring apparatusMessgerät {n}
tech. tools measuring armMessarm {m}
measuring arrangementMessanordnung {f} [Messtechnik]
measuring arrangementMessaufbau {m}
measuring assemblyMessanordnung {f}
measuring axisMessachse {f}
tools measuring barMessbalken {m}
tools measuring barMessschiene {f}
measuring beaker [measuring cup]Messbecher {m}
tech. measuring beamMessbalken {m}
optics tech. measuring beamMessstrahl {m}
measuring blockMessleiste {f}
measuring boothsMesskabinen {pl}
tech. measuring boxMessbox {f}
tech. measuring bridgeMessbrücke {f} [Prüfgerät]
measuring buretteMessbürette {f}
measuring cabinMesskabine {f}
electr. tech. measuring cabinetMessschrank {m}
measuring cableMesskabel {n}
electr. measuring cellMesszelle {f}
measuring center [Am.]Messzentrum {n}
measuring centre [Br.]Messzentrum {n}
electr. tech. measuring certaintyMesssicherheit {f}
tools measuring chainMesskette {f}
tech. measuring chamber <MC>Messkammer {f} <MK>
electr. tech. measuring channelMesskanal {m}
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A 2017-05-31: While the latter is actually a bit more expensive it (shunt technology) is...
A 2016-02-21: Measuring systems
A 2015-11-06: The measuring results are displayed using pixel units.
A 2015-08-05: Measuring devices made in Britain since (probably about) 1970...
A 2015-06-22: for clarity: "mass flow calorimetry" is the measuring method, not the meas...
A 2014-12-17: indicating measuring component and indicating installation / system component
A 2013-08-08: So, what is it about? A unit measuring what sort of thing?
A 2013-07-21: http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot/a-german-bronze-measuring-pot-eichg...
Q 2013-07-11: project-build coordinate measuring machines (CMM)
A 2012-10-26: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/science/measuring-devices.php any help?
Q 2012-06-22: Measuring Electronic Service Quality
A 2012-02-17: +dimensional measuring+ scheint recht gebräuchlich zu sein
A 2012-02-15: Body temperature in pigs - an /evaluation /a comparison / of different m...
A 2012-02-14: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22different+methods+of+measuring%22&hl=de&s...
A 2012-02-04: If the device is a detector/measuring device,
A 2012-01-20: *measuring out* would be *to survey* ( http://www.dict.cc/?s=survey )
A 2012-01-08: Consequently, +accelerometer ~ instrument for measuring acceleration+ is s...
A 2012-01-08: Please differentiate in BE between +meter ~ measuring / recording instrume...
A 2011-09-14: measuring devices?
A 2011-08-03: "a palette measuring 80 by 120 cm."

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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