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English-German translation for: meetings
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Dictionary English German: meetings

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
NOUN   a meeting | meetings
NOUN   das Meeting | die Meetings
Treffen {pl}
Begegnungen {pl}
Versammlungen {pl}
Zusammenkünfte {pl}
2 Words
discussion meetingsDiskussionsveranstaltungen {pl}
election meetingsWahlversammlungen {pl}
party meetingsParteiversammlungen {pl}
periodical meetingsperiodische Zusammenkünfte {pl}
sports sports meetingsSportfeste {pl}
pol. summit meetingsGipfelkonferenzen {pl}
3 Words
Meetings were prohibited.Versammlungen waren untersagt.
to hold further meetingsweitertagen
law freedom of meetingsVersammlungsfreiheit {f}
law Public Meetings Act [Germany]Versammlungsgesetz {n} <VersG>
4 Words
law pol. ban on public meetingsVersammlungsverbot {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F House of Meetings [Martin Amis]Haus der Begegnungen
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A 2023-08-04: Online-Meetings heißen übrigens "Call".
A 2023-08-03: Hat sich so ergeben, dass meine Meetings erst übernächste Woche sind. Sag ...
Q 2016-08-10: Durchführen von Meetings in Vertretung
A 2013-11-08: ? regular meetings etc.
Q 2012-07-18: …,running myself ragged schlepping around town to meetings,…
Q 2011-12-07: AA term, AA meetings
Q 2011-05-08: from meetings
A 2011-01-18: von wichtigen Meinungsmachern geführte Meetings
A 2011-01-17: von wichtigen Meinungsführern geführte Meetings
Q 2011-01-17: KOL led meetings
A 2010-03-23: Bist Du öfter bei Tagungen, Konferenzen, Seminaren oder Meetings?
A 2009-11-13: Can't think of a DE word, but it's 'having your meetings at the same place...
A 2009-09-08: there's also the old stand-by heard at public meetings -- boring! boring! ...
A 2009-05-25: "meetings" würde ich hier mal schließen.
A 2009-02-15: Even in private, during meetings of the cabinet, Antonescu pretended ...
A 2008-09-06: functional rooms = Veranstaltungsraeume for meetings/parties etc. .....
A 2008-07-29: generell erstmal: "... bei seinen Meetings"
Q 2008-04-30: marked/unmarked meetings
A 2008-03-31: how about: a haze covers the meetings (get-together) ?
A 2007-12-27: There is a desire to support future (ITOC) meetings with visual communicat...

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meeting rooms
• meetings
meeting site
meeting spot
meeting support system
Meetings were prohibited.
meeting table
meeting the costs
meeting the demands
meeting the standards
meeting time
meeting time preference

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