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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: megaloblastic anaemia
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megaloblastic anaemia in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: megaloblastic anaemia

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

SYNO   megaloblastic anaemia ... 
med. megaloblastic anaemia [Br.]megaloblastäre Anämie {f}
med. megaloblastic anaemia [Br.]Megaloblastenanämie {f}
med. megaloblastic anaemia <MA> [Br.]megaloblastische Anämie {f} <MA>
Partial Matches
med. megaloblastic {adj}megaloblastär
med. megaloblastic {adj}megaloblastisch
med. megaloblastic anemia [Am.]megaloblastäre Anämie {f}
med. megaloblastic anemia [Am.]Megaloblastenanämie {f}
med. megaloblastic anemia <MA> [Am.]megaloblastische Anämie {f} <MA>
med. anaemia [Br.]Anämie {f}
med. anaemia [Br.]Bleichsucht {f}
med. anaemia [Br.]Blutarmut {f}
med. anaemia [Br.]Blutmangel {m} [ugs.] [Anämie]
med. achrestic anaemia [Br.]achrestische Anämie {f}
med. hyperchromic anaemia [Br.]hyperchrome Anämie {f}
med. hypochromic anaemia [Br.]hypochrome Anämie {f}
med. macrocytic anaemia [Br.]makrozytische Anämie {f}
med. normocytic anaemia [Br.]normozytische Anämie {f}
med. nutritional anaemia [Br.]nutritionelle Anämie {f}
med. radiation anaemia [Br.]Strahlenanämie {f}
med. sideropenic anaemia [Br.]sideropenische Anämie {f}
med. aplastic anaemia <AA> [Br.]aplastische Anämie {f} <AA>
med. haemolytic anaemia <HA> [Br.]hämolytische Anämie {f} <HA>
med. pernicious anaemia <PA> [Br.]perniziöse Anämie {f} <PA>
med. sideroblastic anaemia <SA> [Br.]sideroblastische Anämie {f} <SA>
med. anaemia of pregnancy [Br.]Schwangerschaftsanämie {f}
VetMed. infectious salmon anaemia [Br.]ansteckende Blutarmut {f} der Lachse
med. iron deficiency anaemia [Br.]Eisenmangelanämie {f}
med. lead poisoning anaemia [Br.]Bleianämie {f}
med. protein-deficiency anaemia [Br.]Eiweißmangelanämie {f}
med. brickmaker's anaemia [Br.] [ancylostomiasis]Hakenwurminfektion {f} [auch: Hakenwurm-Infektion]
med. miner's anaemia [Br.] [ancylostomiasis]Hakenwurminfektion {f} [auch: Hakenwurm-Infektion]
med. miner's anaemia [Br.] [ancylostomiasis]Wurmkrankheit {f} der Bergleute [Ankylostomiase]
med. physiological anaemia [Br.] [in babies]Drei-Monats-Anämie {f} [bei Säuglingen]
med. physiological anaemia [Br.] [in babies]physiologische Anämie {f} [bei Säuglingen]
med. physiological anaemia [Br.] [in babies]Trimenonanämie {f} [Drei-Monats-Anämie bei Säuglingen]
med. physiological anaemia [Br.] [in babies]Trimonenreduktion {f} [bei Säuglingen]
med. autoimmune haemolytic anaemia <AIHA> [Br.]autoimmunhämolytische Anämie {f} <AIHA>
med. congenital dyserythropoetic anaemia <CDA> [Br.]kongenitale dyserythropoetische Anämie {f}
VetMed. equine infectious anaemia <EIA> [Br.]ansteckende Blutarmut {f} der Einhufer
VetMed. equine infectious anaemia <EIA> [Br.]equine infektiöse Anämie {f} <EIA>
med. microcytic hypochromic anaemia <MHA> [Br.]mikrozytäre hypochrome Anämie {f}
med. sickle cell anaemia <SCA> [Br.]Sichelzellenanämie {f} <SZA>
med. sickle-cell anaemia <SCA> [Br.]Sichelzellanämie {f} <SZA>
med. chronic congenital hypoplastic anaemia [Br.]chronische kongenitale hypoplastische Anämie {f}
med. folic acid deficiency anaemia [Br.]Folsäuremangelanämie {f}
med. antibody autoimmune haemolytic anaemia <AIHA> [Br.]Antikörper autoimmunhämolytische Anämie {f} <AIHA>
med. immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia <IMHA> [Br.]immunvermittelte hämolytische Anämie {f} <IMHA>
biol. infectious salmon anaemia virus <ISAV> [Br.]Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] der infektiösen Lachsanämie
med. physiological anaemia in / of pregnancy [Br.]physiologische Schwangerschaftsanämie {f}
med. Diamond-Blackfan anaemia <DBA> [Br.] [Erythrogenesis imperfecta]Diamond-Blackfan-Anämie {f} <DBA>
med. Fanconi anaemia [Br.] <FA> [also: Fanconi's anaemia]Fanconi-Anämie {f} <FA>
med. trimester anaemia [Br.] [first / second / third trimester anaemia in pregnant women]physiologische Schwangerschaftsanämie {f}
med. Blackfan-Diamond anaemia <BDA> [Br.] [Erythrogenesis imperfecta] [also: Diamond-Blackfan anaemia]Diamond-Blackfan-Anämie {f} <DBA>
med. Addison's anaemia [Br.] [also: Addison anaemia] [pernicious anaemia]Addison-Anämie {f} [perniziöse Anämie]
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