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English-German translation for: mental
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Dictionary English German: mental

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SYNO   genial | mental
ADJ  mental | - | - ... 
SYNO   gedanklich | geistig | mental ... 
med. psych. mental {adj}
mental {adj}
mental {adj}
mental {adj} [coll.]
übergeschnappt [ugs.]
mental {adj} [crazy] [coll.]
verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
mental {adj}
mental {adj}
psychisch [geistig]
anat. mental {adj} [of or relating to the chin]
mental {adj}
2 Words: Others
med. psych. mentally retarded {adj}mental retardiert
psychically disturbed {adj}mental unausgeglichen
2 Words: Verbs
to be mental [coll.]spinnen [ugs.]
to go mental [Br.] [coll.](total) ausflippen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
med. (mental) asylum [dated]Irrenanstalt {f} [veraltet, sonst ugs.]
psych. (mental) disturbanceVerstörung {f}
psych. (mental) excitementGemütserregung {f}
(mental) imagery(geistiges) Vorstellungsvermögen {n}
(mental) quicknessAufgewecktheit {f}
psych. mental aberrationBefindlichkeitsstörung {f}
psych. mental aberrationGeistesstörung {f}
psych. mental aberrationGeistesverwirrung {f}
psych. mental aberrationgeistige Verwirrung {f}
mental abilitygeistige Fähigkeit {f}
psych. mental abuseseelischer Missbrauch {m}
mental acrobatics {pl}Gehirnakrobatik {f} [ugs.]
mental acrobatics {pl} [fig.]Gedankenakrobatik {f}
mental activityGeistestätigkeit {f}
mental acuityScharfsinnigkeit {f} [Scharfsinn]
med. mental afflictiongeistiges Gebrechen {n}
psych. mental ageIntelligenzalter {n} <IA>
psych. mental agegeistiger Entwicklungsstand {m}
psych. mental agonySeelenangst {f}
psych. mental alienationGeisteskrankheit {f}
mental anguishAlp {m} [geh.] [seelische Bedrückung]
math. mental arithmeticKopfrechnen {n}
philos. relig. mental assentgeistige Zustimmung {f} [fachsprachlich]
mental asylum [archaic](Heil- und) Pflegeanstalt {f}
mental attitudeGeisteshaltung {f}
mental balancegeistige Ausgeglichenheit {f}
mental blackoutFilmriss {m} [ugs.] [Erinnerungslücke]
mental blackoutgeistiger Kurzschluss {m}
mental blankFilmriss {m} [ugs.] [Erinnerungslücke]
psych. mental blockLadehemmung {f} [ugs.]
psych. mental blockMattscheibe {f} [ugs.]
psych. mental blockgeistige Blockade {f}
mental breakdownNervenzusammenbruch {m}
mental breakdowngeistiger Zusammenbruch {m}
math. mental calculationKopfrechnen {n}
mental capacityDenkkraft {f}
mental capacityFassungskraft {f}
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A 2021-10-31: Mental moves.
A 2017-12-10: +emmaenn+ Native country unknown, state of mental health critical
A 2017-01-16: +Empathy+ requires the input of considerable mental energy > electric ...
A 2015-10-30: Mental gymnastics
A 2015-10-27: brain skill = mental faculty
A 2015-02-01: Totaler Blödsinn - NB +idiocy+ and +Idiotie+ are largely false friends as ...
A 2014-12-15: +One-off random individual+ doesn't say anything about the person's mental...
A 2014-08-24: mental image
A 2014-08-05: nicht jeder der mental stark ist, ist auch intellektuell.
A 2014-08-05: Wir entwickeln ihr Potential auf den wesentlichesten Ebenen - intellektuel...
A 2014-05-25: Behind mental illness
A 2014-04-17: "mental health day"
Q 2014-04-17: to take a mental health day
A 2014-01-24: Das gemeint? I’ve been kept in mental wards, nut wards; ...
A 2013-12-16: This is to confirm Mr X's physical and mental health as well as absence of...
A 2012-12-16: Mental illness
A 2012-08-24: Cheers, Michael! I got the German now: Plattform-Bett (shall make a mental...
A 2012-08-12: ok, probieren wir's so: Not only did I see the machinations of certain (ne...
A 2012-08-09: Still a popular idiom here. It implies physical weakness or/and a mental d...
A 2012-06-27: wie hast du denn mental adjustment übersetzt?

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