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English-German translation for: mermaid's purse
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Dictionary English German: mermaid's purse

Translation 1 - 50 of 29191  >>

fish mermaid's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
Partial Matches
bot. T
film F The Little Mermaid - Ariel's Beginning [Peggy Holmes]Arielle, die MeerjungfrauWie alles begann
to purse one's lipsden Mund spitzen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen aufeinander pressen [alt]
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen aufeinanderpressen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen schürzen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen spitzen
to purse one's lipseinen Schmollmund machen
to purse one's mouth (up)einen Schmollmund machen
attachment of debtor's purseTaschenpfändung {f}
fish devil's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
fish sailor's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
to dip into one's purse / pockettief in die Tasche greifen
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children's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Kindergeldbeutel {m}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damen-Geldbörse {f}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damengeldbeutel {m}
women's purse [woman's small pouch for carrying money]Damengeldbörse {f}
proverb You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.Aus einem Ackergaul kann man kein Rennpferd machen.
proverb You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.Aus einem Kieselstein kann man keinen Diamanten schleifen.
proverb You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.Aus nichts wird nichts.
zool. T
myth. mermaidFischweib {n}
myth. mermaidMeerjungfrau {f}
myth. mermaidMeerweib {n}
myth. mermaidNixe {f}
myth. mermaidSeejungfrau {f}
myth. mermaidWasserfrau {f} [Meerweib]
myth. mermaidWasserjungfrau {f}
myth. mermaidWassernixe {f}
bot. T
mermaid-like {adj} {adv}nixenhaft
med. mermaid syndromeSirenomelie {f}
comics F Little Mermaid [Disney]Arielle die Meerjungfrau
hist. St. Stephen's Purse [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Stephansbursa {f} [auch Stephansburse, Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
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RadioTV F Mermaid Man [SpongeBob SquarePants]Meerjungfraumann [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
RadioTV F Minnie Mermaid [SpongeBob SquarePants]Miss Meerjungfrau [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
mus. F Danube Mermaid [Johann Strauss II]Donauweibchen [Johann Strauss]
cloth. mermaid tail [on the mermaid costume]Meerjungfrauenschwanz {m} [am Nixenkostüm]
lit. F The Little Mermaid [Hans Christian Andersen]Die kleine Meerjungfrau / Die kleine Seejungfrau
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