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English-German translation for: messy piece of work
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Dictionary English German: messy piece of work

Translation 1 - 50 of 66735  >>

messy piece of workGehudel {n} [regional]
Partial Matches
piece of workArbeitsstück {n}
piece of workStück {n} Arbeit
art photo. (piece of) photographic workFotoarbeit {f}
accurate piece of workgenaues Stück {n} Arbeit
clumsy piece of workdürftiges Stück {n} Arbeit
conscientious piece of workgewissenhafte Arbeit {f}
exacting piece of workanspruchsvolle Arbeit {f}
honest piece of workehrliches Stück {n} Arbeit
incomplete piece of workmangelhaftes Werkstück {n}
neat piece of worksauberes Stück {n} Arbeit
piece of crochet workHäkelarbeit {f}
poor piece of workschlechtes Stück {n} Arbeit
ragged piece of workfehlerhaftes Arbeitsstück {n}
slipshod piece of worknachlässiges Stück {n} Arbeit
sloppy piece of workGehudel {n} [regional]
idiom stiff piece of workhartes Stück {n} Arbeit
nasty piece of work [coll.]übler Kerl {m} [ugs.]
to accomplish a piece of workeine Arbeit vollenden
to attempt a piece of workein Stück Arbeit anpacken
to bungle a piece of workeine Arbeit verpfuschen [ugs.]
a fine piece of workeine schöne Arbeit {f} [ein schönes Produkt]
inhumanly hard piece of workunmenschlich hartes Stück {n} Arbeit
piece of wrought-iron workSchmiedearbeit {f}
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.](übler) Patron {m} [ugs. für: übler Kerl]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.]widerliche Person {f}
to botch a piece of work [coll.]eine Arbeit verpfuschen [ugs.]
a nasty piece of work [sl.]ein Arschloch {n} [vulg.]
a piece of work [coll.] [fig.] [pej.]anstrengende Person {f} [fig.] [ugs.]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [fig.] [person]Ekelpaket {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Person]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [malicious person]Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
That's a good piece of work.Das ist gute Arbeit.
a (diligent but) routine piece of workeine reine Fleißarbeit {f} [pej.]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [fig.]gscherter Hammel {m} [fig.] [pej.] [bayer.]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]linke Socke {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [pej.]
nasty piece of work [esp. Br.] [coll.] [very unpleasant or mean person]fieser Kerl {m} [ugs.]
piece workAkkordarbeit {f}
piece workStückarbeit {f} [Arbeit nach Stückzahlen]
piece-workAkkordarbeit {f}
piece-workStückakkord {m}
piece-workStückarbeit {f} [Arbeit nach Stückzahlen]
piece-workStücklohn {m}
jobs to do piece-workim Akkord arbeiten
differential piece workDifferentialstücklohn {m}
differential piece workDifferenzialstücklohn {m}
piece work earnings {pl}Akkordverdienst {m}
tech. work piece [spv.] [workpiece]Werkstück {n}
tech. work piece contour [spv.]Werkstückkontur {f}
jobs to work by the pieceim Akkord arbeiten
basic piece work rateAkkordrichtsatz {m}
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