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English-German translation for: metacarpophalangeal joints
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Dictionary English German: metacarpophalangeal joints

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

NOUN   a metacarpophalangeal joint | metacarpophalangeal joints
anat. metacarpophalangeal joints <MCP joints> [Articulationes metacarpophalangeae]Metacarpophalangealgelenke {pl} <MCP-Gelenke>
anat. metacarpophalangeal joints <MCP joints> [Articulationes metacarpophalangeae]Metakarpophalangealgelenke {pl} <MCP-Gelenke>
Partial Matches
anat. metatarsophalangeal joints <MTPJ, MTP joints> [Articulationes metatarsophalangeae]Metatarsophalangealgelenke {pl} <MTP, MTP-Gelenke, MT-Gelenke>
anat. metatarsophalangeal joints <MTPJ, MTP joints> [Articulationes metatarsophalangeae]Zehengrundgelenke {pl}
anat. zool. zygapophyseal joints <Z-joints> [Articulationes processuum articularium (esp. veterinary medicine), Articulationes zygapophysiales]Wirbelbogengelenke {pl}
zool. zygapophyseal joints <Z-joints> [Articulationes processuum articularium, Articulationes zygapophysalis]Wirbelfortsatzgelenke {pl}
med. metacarpophalangeal {adj}metakarpophalangeal
med. metacarpophalangeal joint <MCJ>Grundgelenk {n} [ugs.] [Metakarpophalangealgelenk]
anat. metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal ligamentsBänder {pl} von Mittelhand und Fingern
constr. tech. jointsFugen {pl}
jointsGelenke {pl}
jointsVerbindungen {pl}
jointsVerbindungsstücke {pl}
cracking jointsGelenkknacken {n}
med. damaged jointsbeschädigte Gelenke {pl}
anat. finger jointsFingergelenke {pl}
anat. biol. Unverified Lisfranc jointsLisfranc-Gelenke {pl} [Tarsometatarsalgelenke]
med. painful jointsGelenkschmerzen {pl}
med. peripheral jointsperiphere Gelenke {pl}
geol. rock jointsGesteinsklüfte {pl}
soldering jointsLötstellen {pl}
constr. woodworking jointsHolzverbindungen {pl}
anat. metacarpophalangeal articulations <MCP articulations> [Articulationes metacarpophalangeae]Metacarpophalangealgelenke {pl} <MCP-Gelenke>
anat. metacarpophalangeal articulations <MCP articulations> [Articulationes metacarpophalangeae]Metakarpophalangealgelenke {pl} <MCP-Gelenke>
tech. lap joints [welding]Überlappstöße {pl} [Schweißen]
med. to cover two jointszwei Gelenke einbeziehen [ruhig stellen, Gipsverband]
constr. building expansion jointsGebäudedehnungsfugen {pl}
geol. fissures and jointsGesteinsrisse und Gesteinsklüfte
engin. method of jointsKnotenpunktverfahren {n}
med. mobilization of jointsGelenkmobilisierung {f}
tech. rubber expansion jointsGummikompensatoren {pl}
constr. screed expansions jointsEstrichdehnfugen {pl}
geol. system of jointsKluftsystem {n}
constr. tech. tapered finger joints {pl}Keilzinkung {f}
constr. tech. tapered finger joints [woodworking]Keilzinken {pl}
constr. tech. distance between (the) jointsFugenabstand {m}
material tech. joints combining several materialsMischverbindungen {pl} [bes. Schweißen]
constr. tech. spacing between (the) jointsFugenabstand {m}
med. stiffening of the jointsGelenkversteifungen {pl}
med. VetMed. stiffness of the jointsGelenkstarre {f}
sports to be easy on the jointsgelenkschonend sein
anat. large joints of the limbsgroße Gelenke {pl} der Gliedmaßen
to creak at the joints [coll.] [also fig.]in allen Fugen krachen [ugs.] [auch fig.]
to be creaking at all joints [coll.] [idiom]in allen Fugen krachen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
anat. VetMed. vertebral arch joints [Articulationes processuum articularium, Articulationes zygapophysiales]Wirbelbogengelenke {pl}
anat. biol. Unverified tarsometatarsal joints [Articulationes tarsometatarsales, Articulationes tarsometatarseae]Fußwurzel-Mittelfuß-Gelenke {pl}
anat. biol. Unverified tarsometatarsal joints [Articulationes tarsometatarsales, Articulationes tarsometatarseae]Tarsometatarsalgelenke {pl} <TMT I-V>
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