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English-German translation for: metal
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Dictionary English German: metal

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NOUN1   a metal | metals
NOUN2   metal [music] | -
VERB  to metal | metalled | metalled ... 
SYNO   alloy | metal | metal | metallic ... 
NOUN   (der) Metal | -
metal {adj} [attr.]
metal {adj}
metal {adj}
to metal sth. [Br.] [road]etw. schottern [Straße]
chem. material metal
Metall {n}
mus. metal [heavy metal music]
Metal {m} [Heavy Metal]
2 Words: Others
all-metal {adj}Vollmetall-
burnished metal {adj}gebürstetes Metall
containing metal {adj} [postpos.]metallhaltig
metal processing {adj}Metall verarbeitend
tech. metal-ceramic {adj}Metall-Keramik-
metal-clad {adj}gekapselt
metal-coated {adj}metallüberzogen
metal-coated {adj}mit Metall überzogen
geol. mining metal-containing {adj}metallhaltig
metal-encased {adj}metallgekapselt
metal-enclosed {adj}metallgekapselt
metal-free {adj}metallfrei
tech. metal-impregnated {adj} {past-p}metallimprägniert
astron. material metal-poor {adj}metallarm
ind. tech. metal-working {adj}metallverarbeitend
metal-working {adj}Metall verarbeitend
material tech. non-metal {adj} [attr.]nichtmetallisch
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to cast metalMetall gießen
2 Words: Nouns
material (metal) alloyMetallegierung {f} [alt]
material (metal) alloyMetalllegierung {f}
tech. (metal) spinning [metalworking process]Drücken {n} [nach DIN 8584] [Formdrücken]
tech. (metal) spinning [metalworking process]Metalldrücken {n} [Drücken nach DIN 8584]
chem. alkali metalAlkalimetall {n}
material aluminium metal [Br.]Aluminiummetall {n}
material aluminum metal [Am.]Aluminiummetall {n}
material tech. antifriction metalAntifriktionsmetall {n}
chem. material Auer metal [ferrocerium]Auermetall {n} [Cereisen]
material auxiliary metalHilfsmetall {n}
tech. babbitt metal [alloy of lead, tin, zinc etc.]Lagermetall {n} [Legierung von Blei, Zinn usw.]
base metalBasismetall {n}
base metalMutterwerkstoff {m} [beim Schweißen]
base metalunedles Metall {n}
battery metalBatteriemetall {n}
tech. bearing metalLagermetall {n}
material bell metalGlockengut {n} [fachspr.] [Legierung zum Glockenguss, Glockenspeise]
material bell metalGlockenmetall {n}
material bell metalGlockenspeise {f} [fachspr.] [Legierung zum Glockenguss]
material bell metalMetall {n} zum Glockenguss
mus. black metalBlack Metal {m}
blue metalBlaustein {m} [Zwischenprodukt der Kupfergewinnung]
material Britannia metalBritanniametall {n} [Hartzinnlegierung]
brittle metalsprödes Metall {n}
bullet metalGeschosslegierung {f}
chem. cadmium metalCadmiummetall {n}
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A 2021-10-20: Nur eine Idee von mir: construction metal worker
A 2020-06-07: ich sehe einen Unterschied von to ballast - to metal
A 2020-04-03: Quite a few native speakers tend to misspell the past tense and past parti...
A 2020-01-17: Yes, a joist is a single length of wood or metal.
Q 2018-10-15: Bewitched Blaise Metal Silhouette
Q 2018-02-25: spice 506 metal stella android
A 2017-09-23: Beaufschlagung von Metallteilen > impacting (of) metal parts
Q 2015-08-24: Spiral Expanded Metal Filter Liner Machine
Q 2015-06-16: Zeugnis aus Gambia: "W/Work/Metal" als Fach
A 2015-04-20: scrap metal
A 2015-03-21: +jigger+ - please enter vocab including the +small metal cup on the end of...
A 2014-08-27: advanced knowledge in metal sheet processing
A 2014-03-26: Bachelor Professional of Metal Production and Management (CCI)
A 2013-09-20: Please google for yourselves +Spurstein "blue metal"+
Q 2013-09-20: blue metal - continued #726491
A 2013-09-19: blue metal
Q 2013-09-19: blue metal
A 2013-04-18: Blue metal
Q 2013-02-14: big black galoshes with metal foldover clamps
A 2013-01-14: Metal splinter?

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