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English-German translation for: methane turnover
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Dictionary English German: methane turnover

Translation 1 - 50 of 198  >>

NOUN   a methane turnover | methane turnovers
chem. ecol. methane turnoverMethanumsatz {m}
Partial Matches
chem. methane [CH4]Methan {n}
ecol. atmospheric methaneatmosphärisches Methan {n}
chem. bio-methaneBiomethan {n}
mining coalbed methaneFlözgas {n}
chem. dipropyl methaneHeptan {n}
biol. methane bacteriaMethanbakterien {pl}
chem. methane clathrateMethanklathrat {n}
chem. methane concentrationMethankonzentration {f}
methane contentMethangehalt {m}
ecol. ind. methane emissionMethanemission {f}
biochem. biol. biotech. methane fermentationMethangärung {f}
chem. methane formationMethanbildung {f}
chem. methane formationMethanentstehung {f}
chem. methane formationMethanogenese {f} [Methanbildung]
chem. methane gasMethangas {n}
chem. methane hydrateMethanhydrat {n}
chem. methane iceMethaneis {n}
chem. methane productionMethanproduktion {f}
mineral. methane resourcesMethanressourcen {pl}
methane slipMethanschlupf {m}
astron. methane snowMethanschnee {m}
material methane sourceMethanquelle {f}
geol. abiogenic methane formationabiotische Methansynthese {f}
chem. ecol. amount of methaneMethanmenge {f}
mining methane gas explosionMethangasexplosion {f}
chem. non-methane hydrocarbonsNichtmethankohlenwasserstoffe {pl}
ecol. methane production [of animals]Methanausstoß {m} [Methanabgabe]
mining coal bed methane <CBM>Flözgas {n}
mining coal mine methane <CMM>Coal Mine Methane {n} <CMM> [Flözgas, welches noch nach der Stilllegung einer Grube aus dem Flöz austritt]
mining coal seam methane <CSM>Coal Seam Methane {n} <CSM> [Flözgas, das durch den aktiven Bergbau freigesetzt wird]
chem. methane sulphonic acid [Br.]Methansulfonsäure {f}
cloud of methane gasMethangaswolke {f}
agr. ecol. methane flatulence {sg} of cattleMethanausdünstungen {pl} von Rindern
comm. turnoverAbsatz {m}
sports turnoverBallverlust {m}
comm. turnoverGeschäftsumsatz {m}
gastr. turnoverTeigtasche {f}
comm. turnoverUmsatz {m}
comm. fin. turnoverUmsatzerlös {m}
econ. turnoverUmschlag {m}
account turnoverKontoumsatz {m}
comm. econ. aggregate turnoverGesamtumsatz {m}
annual turnoverJahresumsatz {m}
econ. annual turnoverjährlicher Umsatz {m}
gastr. apple turnoverApfel {m} im Schlafrock [Apfeltasche]
gastr. apple turnoverApfeltasche {f}
asset turnoverKapitalumschlag {m}
econ. average turnoverDurchschnittsumsatz {m}
bank turnoverBankumsatz {m}
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