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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: miese Nummer
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miese Nummer in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: miese Nummer

Translation 1 - 50 of 134  >>

dick move [vulg.]miese Nummer {f} [ugs.] [Schachzug]
Partial Matches
lit. F Bad Business [Robert B. Parker]Miese Geschäfte
dinky joint [sl.]miese Kneipe {f} [ugs.]
cheesy policymiese Politik {f} [ugs.]
abominable foodmiese Verpflegung {f} [ugs.]
RadioTV F Shell Shack [SpongeBob SquarePants]Miese Muschel {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
to be in a filthy mood [Br.] [coll.]total miese Laune haben [ugs.]
to be 2000 euros in the red [coll.]2000 Miese auf dem Konto haben [ugs.]
numberNummer {f}
theatre routineNummer {f}
mus. track [song]Nummer {f}
theatre turn [performance]Nummer {f} [Auftritt]
film theatre RadioTV shtick [Yidd]Nummer {f} [Komikernummer]
mus. numberNummer {f} [Musikstück]
film theatre RadioTV skit [act]Nummer {f} [Sketch]
number <no.>Nummer {f} <Nr.>
unnumbered {adj}ohne Nummer
FoodInd. E numberE-Nummer {f}
comp. EDP numberEDV-Nummer {f}
EU naut. European number of identification <ENI, ENI number>ENI-Nummer {f}
wrong numberfalsche Nummer {f}
consecutive numberfortlaufende Nummer {f}
sequential numberfortlaufende Nummer {f}
serial numberfortlaufende Nummer {f}
identification numberID-Nummer {f}
sports number eight [rugby]Nummer Acht {f}
number sign <#>Nummer-Zeichen {n} <#>
mus. ragRagtime-Nummer {f}
comm. return material authorization number <RMA>RMA-Nummer {f}
comm. return merchandise authorization number <RMA>RMA-Nummer {f}
zool. tattoo number <tattoo no.>Tätowier-Nummer {f}
telecom. unobtainable number [Br.]unerreichbare Nummer {f}
ind. QM UNS number [unified numbering system for metals and alloys]UNS-Nummer {f}
RadioTV F The PrisonerNummer 6
identification number <ID number>Identifikationsnummer {f} <ID-Nummer>
jobs employee numberMitarbeiternummer {f} <MA-Nummer>
journ. publ. issue [of a periodical]Nummer {f} [einer Zeitschrift]
screw [vulg.] [coitus]Nummer {f} [ugs.] [Koitus]
shag [Br.] [vulg.]Nummer {f} [ugs.] [Koitus]
telecom. premium rate number0900er-Nummer {f} [ugs.]
cheap shot [coll.]billige Nummer {f} [ugs.]
telecom. office (phone) numberBüro-Nummer {f} [Telefonnummer]
econ. company numberCH-Nummer {f} [schweiz.]
idiom big boygroße Nummer {f} [ugs.]
idiom big gun [coll.]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
idiom big shot [coll.]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
idiom big wheel [Am.] [coll.]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
big wig [coll.] [spv.] [bigwig]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
big-wig [coll.] [spv.] [bigwig]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
bigwig [coll.]große Nummer {f} [ugs.]
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