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English-German translation for: mile
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Dictionary English German: mile

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NOUN   a mile | miles
SYNO   international mile | land mile | mi ... 
unit mile <m, mi>
Meile {f} [1609 m]
2 Words: Others
mile-long {adj}meilenlang
mile-long {adj} [coll.]ellenlang [Liste, Weg etc.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
naut. unit admiralty mile [British sea mile] [6080 ft.] [1853,184 m]britische Seemeile {f} [1853,184 m]
air mileLuftmeile {f}
full mileganze Meile {f}
unit land mile [1609 meters]Landmeile {f}
telecom. last mile [local loop]letzte Meile {f} [Teilnehmeranschlussleitung]
hist. mil. mile fortMeilenfestung {f}
sports mile runMeilenlauf {m}
naut. unit nautical mile <M, NM, nmi, nm> [6076 feet, 1852 metres]Seemeile {f} <sm, NM> [nautische Meile]
naut. unit nautical mile <M, NM, nmi, nm> [6076 feet, 1852 metres]nautische Meile {f} <NM, n. mi.> [n. mi. ist seltener]
urban party mileAusgehmeile {f}
naut. unit sea mile [nautical mile]Seemeile {f} <sm, NM> [nautische Meile]
shopping mileEinkaufsmeile {f}
unit square mile <mi², sq mi>Quadratmeile {f}
unit statute mile [1609 metres]britische Landmeile {f}
3 Words: Others
a good mileüber eine Meile
unit a mile long {adv}eine Meile lang
by a mile {adv} [miss, beat, win]um Längen [schlagen, gewinnen]
within a mile {adv}innerhalb einer Meile
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to jump a mile [Irish] [sl.]zusammenfahren [furchtbar erschrecken]
3 Words: Nouns
a country mile [coll.] [Am.]eine riesige Entfernung {f}
a country mile [coll.] [Am.]eine (sehr) große Strecke {f}
aviat. mile high clubMile High Club {m} [fiktiver Club, in dem man Mitglied wird, wenn man während eines Fluges Sex hatte]
unit mile per hour <MPH, mph>Meile {f} pro Stunde
geogr. Mile-High City[Spitzname von Denver (USA)]
myth. seven-mile boots [less frequent for seven-league boots]Siebenmeilenstiefel {pl}
automot. standing quarter milestehende Viertelmeile {f}
urban the Square Mile [Br.] [the City]Londoner City {f} [Finanzviertel]
three mile zoneDreimeilenzone {f}
law naut. three-mile limit [three-mile zone]Dreimeilenzone {f}
naut. twelve-mile limitZwölfmeilenzone {f}
law naut. pol. twelve-mile zoneZwölfmeilenzone {f}
geogr. traffic zero mile marker <mile 0>Zentralpunkt {m} [Fundamentalpunkt]
4 Words: Others
a mile or soetwa eine Meile
beaten by a mile {adj} {past-p} [idiom] [beaten by a large amount or distance]mit Abstand geschlagen
half a mile long {adj} [postpos.]eine halbe Meile lang
taller by a mile {adj} [coll.] [postpos.]um einiges größer
4 Words: Verbs
to go the extra mile [idiom]einen draufsetzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go the extra mile [idiom]sichAkk. besonders anstrengen
to go the extra mile [idiom]noch einen Schritt weiter gehen [fig.]
to see sb./sth. a mile awayjdn./etw. leicht erkennen
4 Words: Nouns
eighth of a mileAchtelmeile {f}
quarter of a mileViertelmeile {f}
5+ Words: Others
proverb A miss is as good as a mile.Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei.
proverb Give somebody an inch, and he will take a mile.Gib jemandem den kleinen Finger, und er nimmt die ganze Hand.
He was a mile ahead of us.Er war uns eine Meile voraus.
idiom It makes you want to run a mile!Es ist zum Davonlaufen.
the worst ... by a mile [coll.]das mit Abstand schlechteste ...
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Q 2018-03-29: Olympians Janet Bawcom, Jen Rhines, Colleen De Reuck Headline USA Women’s ...
A 2015-12-13: Ok, I agree, but in this case they should have written correctly "30-Day /...
Q 2015-12-13: Komplizierter Kfz-Text mit Marketingelementen (Abgabe Mittwoch, 16.12.2015...
A 2015-09-11: You can see the original here - http://www.amazon.com/The-Mouse-Mile-Green...
A 2014-09-26: to go the extra mile ......
A 2014-05-25: After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile
A 2013-05-19: The 'thousand mile stare' comes close.
A 2012-11-27: they missed the target by a mile
A 2012-04-24: It's an adaptation of a saying - never judge/criticize someone until you h...
Q 2011-04-18: I live next to mile marker zero
A 2010-09-13: mile stones
A 2010-02-28: If usage prefers +mile+ these days, why can't one say +ell+ for the sake o...
A 2008-09-11: If you feel like running, run a mile. If you feel like getting to know a n...
A 2008-07-27: @rob...yes, we are still in the Mile age:-) 40 p per mile is the local aut...
A 2008-04-21: Skulpturenmeile - sculpture mile
A 2008-04-21: sculpture strip /mile
A 2008-04-03: GPM - gallons per minute, per mile
A 2007-11-13: go raibh míle maith agat, a stór :-))))
A 2007-08-31: Bibel! http://www.childrensermons.com/sermons/mile.htm
Q 2007-08-31: To go the extra mile for you

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