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English-German translation for: milking
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Dictionary English German: milking

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
VERB  to milk | milked | milked
milking | milks
agr. milking {adj} {pres-p}
agr. milking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. installation, machine, parlour, robot, stool]Melk- [z. B. Anlage, Maschine, Stand, Roboter, Schemel]
agr. milking
Melken {n}
agr. milkingStrippen {n} [ugs.] [regional] [Melken einer Kuh, Ziege]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. (milking) cluster [milking equipment]Melkzeug {n}
agr. automated milkingautomatisches Melken {n}
agr. evening milkingAbendmelken {n}
milking bucketMelkeimer {m}
agr. tools milking equipmentMelkgeschirr {n}
milking greaseMelkfett {n}
agr. milking installationMelkanlage {f}
agr. milking machineMelkmaschine {f}
milking pailMelkeimer {m}
agr. milking parlor [Am.]Melkstand {m}
agr. milking parlors [Am.]Melkstände {pl}
agr. milking parlour [Br.]Melkstand {m}
agr. milking parlours [Br.]Melkstände {pl}
agr. milking plantMelkanlage {f}
agr. tech. milking robot [automatic milking system]Melkroboter {m}
agr. milking room [on a farm]Melkraum {m}
agr. milking routineMelkablauf {m}
agr. milking stanchion[Stand zum Melken von einzelnen Kühen]
agr. milking stoolMelkschemel {m}
agr. milking stoolMelkstuhl {m} [schweiz.]
agr. milking systemMelkanlage {f}
agr. tech. milking systemMelksystem {n}
agr. robotic milkingRobotermelken {n}
3 Words: Nouns
agr. tech. automatic milking system <AMS>Melkroboter {m}
agr. tech. automatic milking system <AMS>automatisches Melksystem {n} <AMS>
agr. automatic milking system <AMS>automatisches Melkverfahren {n} <AMV>
agr. piped milking machineRohrmelkanlage {f}
agr. rotary milking parlor [Am.]Melkkarussell {n}
agr. tech. voluntary milking system <VMS>automatisches Melksystem {n}
4 Words: Others
They are milking well.Sie geben reichlich Milch.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
» See 3 more translations for milking within comments
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A 2010-07-13: simply "difficult milking" or "(the obstruction) makes milking difficult"
A 2008-12-03: Here's the definition of milking it/to milk it
Q 2008-12-03: I’d be out milking it for all it’s worth
A 2008-04-07: dont think so...milking is different, this is skimming off, even absorb
A 2007-11-25: this link might help...Id say 'finest natural milking fat'
A 2005-04-17: milking -von more or less....
A 2005-04-16: milking

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