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Dictionary English German: millions

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   a million | millions/[with numeral] million
Millionen {pl}
2 Words
countless millionsAbermillionen {pl}
millions {pl} of [coll.] [an immense number]eine Unzahl {f} von [+Dat. pl.]
3 Words
amounting to millions {adv}in Millionenhöhe
in the millions {adv}in Millionenhöhe
fin. into the millions {adv}in Millionenhöhe
millions of times {adv}Millionen Mal
worth (several) millions {adj} [postpos.]millionenschwer [ugs.] [im Wert von mehreren Millionen]
mil. army of millionsMillionenheer {n}
audience of millionsMillionenpublikum {n}
contract worth millionsMillionenauftrag {m}
millions of yearsJahrmillionen {pl}
tens of millionszig Millionen {pl}
tens of millionszweistelliger Millionenbetrag {m}
4 Words
for millions of years {adv}jahrmillionenlang
millions of years of {adj}jahrmillionenlang
amount of several millionsMillionenbetrag {m}
damage {sg} amounting to millionsMillionenschäden {pl}
damage running into millionsMillionenschaden {m}
fortune running into millionsMillionenvermögen {n}
millions of payment transactionsMillionen {pl} von Zahlungsgeschäften
5+ Words
fin. budget of millions of dollarsMillionenbudget {n} [in Dollar]
comm. econ. fin. hundreds of millions of lossesVerluste {pl} in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe
comm. econ. fin. losses running into hundreds of millionsVerluste {pl} in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe
millions of dollars of damageMillionenschaden {m}
several hundreds of millions of dollarsmehrere hundert Millionen Dollar {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Madigan's Millions / Madigan's Million [UK] [Giorgio Gentili]Zwei Nummern zu groß
film lit. F Millions [novel: Frank Cottrell Boyce, film: Danny Boyle]Millionen
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A 2017-05-05: 16:30 How can one person know all about current usage among millions and m...
A 2017-02-24: @ prrof-: Nor are anybody's policies, which affect millions of people.
A 2017-02-24: Nor are Trump's policies, which affect millions of people
Q 2014-08-25: Our $millions at work....
A 2014-05-09: Yes, I know it says millions, but it has to reach one million before it ca...
Q 2013-11-27: hundreds of millions - Hunderte Millionen Menschen?
A 2013-09-13: Millions and millions, billions and billons, trillions and trillions, and so on.
A 2013-04-29: ... after millions become legal ...
Q 2011-09-21: Foundation strums heartstrings to raise millions
Q 2011-09-20: taking millions in a special tax exemption
Q 2011-03-27: Anyone else been offered millions of dollars?
A 2010-12-15: I took it as meaning "millionS" - but your explanation is way more logical.
A 2009-12-29: Although I fully understand Catesse's concern I am not worried about the m...
A 2009-11-04: @Romy: There's millions of people out there who work hard, s.t. very hard ...
A 2009-11-02: perfectly good phrase, for as blah blah millions of googles
Q 2009-09-27: tens of millions of dollars
A 2009-05-25: ranged from small quantities up to millions of pieces / quantities ?
A 2009-03-03: Lasting value - for millions of years.
Q 2009-02-28: Kann man sagen "Fishing makes a living for millions of fishermen all aroun...
A 2008-12-13: "our budget worth three millions" ginge aber, ja?

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