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English-German translation for: minimally invasive
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Dictionary English German: minimally invasive

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

spec. minimally invasive {adj}minimalinvasiv
Keywords contained
med. minimally invasive proceduresminimalinvasive Verfahren {pl}
med. minimally invasive procedure <MIP>minimal-invasives Verfahren {n} <MIV>
med. minimally invasive procedure <MIP>minimalinvasives Verfahren {n} <MIV>
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>Knopflochchirurgie {f}
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>Minimalinvasivchirurgie {f} <MIC>
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f}
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>Schlüssellochchirurgie {f} [ugs.] [minimal-invasive Chirurgie]
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>Unter-Tage-Chirurgie {f} [ugs.] [selten]
med. minimally invasive anesthesia <MIA> [Am.]minimalinvasive Anästhesie {f} <MIA>
MedTech. minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis <MIPO>minimalinvasive Plattenosteosynthese {f} <MIPO>
Partial Matches
minimally {adv}geringfügig
minimally {adv}geringfügigst
minimally {adv}minimal
invasive {adj}angreifend
med. invasive {adj}blutig
invasive {adj}eindringend
invasive {adj}in die Privatsphäre eingreifend
biol. ecol. med. invasive {adj}invasiv
mil. invasive {adj} [attr.]Invasions-
invasive {adj} [intrusive]aufdringlich
med. non-invasive {adj}nicht-eingreifend [nicht-invasiv]
med. non-invasive {adj}nichtinvasiv
med. non-invasive {adj}unblutig
med. invasive cancerinvasiver Krebs {m}
biol. bot. ecol. invasive plantinvasive Pflanze {f}
bot. ecol. invasive plantNeophyt {m}
med. invasive procedureinvasiver Eingriff {m} [Operation]
biol. ecol. invasive speciesinvasive Art {f}
ecol. zool. invasive speciesNeozoon {n}
ecol. zool. invasive species {pl}Neozoa {pl}
zool. invasive species {pl}Neozoen {pl}
mil. invasive warInvasionskrieg {m}
med. invasive carcinoma <IC>invasives Karzinom {n} <IK>
med. invasive procedure [surgery]invasives Verfahren {n} [Operation]
med. invasive temperature measurementinvasive Temperaturmessung {f}
med. minimal invasive surgery <MIS>minimal-invasive Chirurgie {f} <MIC>
med. minimal invasive surgery <MIS>minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} <MIC> [auch: minimal-invasive Chirurgie]
med. non-invasive ventilation <NIV>nicht-invasive Beatmung {f} <NIB>
med. non-invasive ventilation <NIV>nicht-invasive Ventilation {f} <NIV> [nicht-invasive Beatmung]
ecol. zool. dispersal of invasive speciesNeozoenausbreitung {f}
med. MedTech. non-invasive measurement [EUR 17538]nichtinvasive Messung {f} [EUR 17538]
med. non-invasive ventilation therapy <NIV therapy>nicht-invasive Beatmungstherapie {f} <NIBT, NIB-Therapie>
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A 2007-08-29: minimally invasive kommt schon vor, ich brauche daher noch eine andere
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