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English-German translation for: mirrors
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Dictionary English German: mirrors

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
NOUN   a mirror | mirrors
VERB  to mirror | mirrored | mirrored
mirroring | mirrors
Spiegel {pl}
2 Words
optics curved mirrors [concave and convex mirrors]gekrümmte Spiegel {pl} [konkave und konvexe Spiegel]
automot. exterior mirrorsAußenspiegel {pl}
wall mirrorsWandspiegel {pl}
3 Words
to cover sth. with mirrors [walls etc.]etw. verspiegeln [Wände etc.]
hall of mirrorsSpiegelkabinett {n}
archi. hall of mirrorsSpiegelsaal {m}
archi. hist. Hall of Mirrors [Versailles]Spiegelsaal {m} von Versailles
house of mirrorsSpiegelkabinett {n}
automot. rear-view mirrorsRückspiegel {pl}
4 Words
to be smoke and mirrors [idiom]Lug und Trug sein [Redewendung]
to be smoke and mirrors [idiom]Schall und Rauch sein [Redewendung]
5+ Words
idiom It's all smoke and mirrors. [Am.]Das ist nur Blendwerk. [geh., pej.]
to be nothing but smoke and mirrors [idiom]nichts als Schall und Rauch sein [Redewendung]
tech. mirrors from silver-coated float glassSpiegel {pl} aus silberbeschichtetem Floatglas
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors [US title] [Jenny Nimmo]Charlie Bone und das Schloss der tausend Spiegel
lit. F Smoke and Mirrors [Tanya Huff]Rauch und Spiegel
lit. F The Castle of Mirrors [Jenny Nimmo]Charlie Bone und das Schloss der tausend Spiegel
lit. F They Do It with Mirrors [Agatha Christie]Fata Morgana
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A 2018-04-16: Spiegelanzahl = Anzahl der Spiegel = number of mirrors
A 2013-07-29: mirrors the situation of its time or epoch
A 2013-04-09: The expression I suggested mirrors that German play on words. Normally, yo...
A 2009-12-24: I've heard 'alles nur Schall und Rauch' used to imply deception or illusio...
A 2009-05-05: 3: Heated, electric wing mirrors
A 2009-05-05: 3 = electrically adjustable and heatable rear view mirrors
Q 2008-06-22: In a list of wing mirrors for lorries -
A 2007-10-10: that mirrors life perfectly (without further context)
Q 2004-04-29: UV grade fused silica mirrors=UV-Qualitäts (??)-Quarzgutspiegel
A 2004-03-31: with mirrors reflecting rays of light, visualizing the paths of sound waves.
A 2004-03-08: electric folding mirrors
A 2004-03-07: electrically foldable (outside) mirrors
Q 2003-09-05: It's all smoke and mirrors

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