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English-German translation for: missing
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Dictionary English German: missing

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>


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ADJ   missing | - | -
VERB  to miss | missed | missed
missing | misses
SYNO   absent | lacking | missing | wanting
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}
missing {adj}verabsäumend [Amtssprache]
missing {adj}nicht vorhanden
missing {adj}verloren gegangen
2 Words: Others
gone missing {past-p}abhandengekommen
missing outauslassend
missing outweglassend
sb./sth. went missingjd./etw. ging verloren
sth. went missing [was stolen]etw. wurde gestohlen
2 Words: Verbs
to be missingfehlen
to be missingvermisst werden
to go missingabhandenkommen
to go missinghopsgehen [ugs.] [verloren gehen]
to go missingverschwinden
to go missingverloren gehen
publ. to report sb./sth. missing [report a missing person]eine Suchanzeige aufgeben [Vermisstenanzeige]
2 Words: Nouns
missing bookverschwundenes Buch {n}
missing booksfehlende Bücher {pl}
med. VetMed. zool. missing colours [Br.]Fehlfarben {pl}
missing componentfehlende Komponente {f}
missing datafehlende Daten {pl}
math. stat. missing data <MD>Fehldaten {pl}
missing entryfehlender Eintrag {m}
missing filefehlende Akte {f}
missing filesfehlende Dateien {pl}
mus. missing fundamentalfehlender Grundton {m}
educ. jobs missing hours [absences]Fehlstunden {pl}
missing informationfehlende Information {f}
missing itemfehlendes Stück {n}
missing linkfehlendes Bindeglied {n}
missing linkfehlendes Glied {n}
missing linkMissing Link {n} {m}
missing linksMissing Links {pl}
missing manVermisster {m}
math. tech. missing numberfehlende Zahl {f}
comp. math. missing number [wildcard to be replaced by a number]Platzhalter {m} [fehlende Zahl]
missing partFehlteil {n}
missing partfehlendes Teil {n}
missing peopleVermisste {pl}
missing personVermisster {m}
missing personabgängige Person {f} [bes. österr., südd.]
missing personvermisste Person {f}
missing person [female]Vermisste {f}
» See 13 more translations for missing within comments
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A 2024-09-05: Text missing.
Q 2023-12-23: missing/partial translation
A 2023-09-21: I still see them at the top, but the numbers of pages at the bottom are mi...
A 2023-02-15: I will say, I find the "missing" function incredibly useful.
A 2023-02-14: das neue feature "Missing" in neuen Sprachen
A 2021-12-27: For missing translations, brush up your Christian Morgenstern
A 2021-02-16: missing article
A 2020-11-25: mark as missing/marked as missing
A 2020-10-09: Missing LINK https://www.lexico.com/definition/render
A 2020-03-13: Missing link
A 2019-10-01: Missing market demand or its requirements is equally fatal
Q 2018-10-27: Missing translations.
Q 2018-07-07: to leave sb. missing
A 2018-03-14: One "t" is missing, one "space" is missing. It should read:
Q 2018-01-12: Is this adjective missing its -en?
A 2017-10-12: 07:40 Missing LINK
A 2017-09-01: BY is missing
A 2017-08-19: Reading too many mystery novels? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_bobbi...
A 2017-07-06: something's missing or poorly transcribed.
A 2017-07-06: Missing S in +seasons+ probably a printer's error aka (fudging the issue) ...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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