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English-German translation for: missionary
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Dictionary English German: missionary

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
NOUN   a missionary | missionaries
SYNO   missionary | missioner | missional ... 
missionary {adj} [attr.]
jobs relig. missionary
Missionar {m}
jobs relig. missionary
Glaubensbote {m}
jobs relig. missionaryMissionär {m} [österr.]
jobs relig. missionary [female]Missionarin {f}
jobs relig. missionary [female]Missionärin {f} [österr.]
2 Words: Others
missionary style {adv} [coll.]in der Missionarsstellung [ugs.] [Geschlechtsverkehr]
2 Words: Nouns
relig. China missionaryChinamissionar {m}
relig. domestic missionaryInlandsmissionar {m}
relig. foreign missionaryAuslandsmissionar {m}
relig. Jesuit missionaryJesuitenmissionar {m}
relig. lay missionaryLaienmissionar {m}
med. relig. medical missionaryMissionsarzt {m}
relig. Methodist missionaryMethodistenmissionar {m}
relig. missionary activitiesMissionsaktivitäten {pl}
relig. missionary activityMissionstätigkeit {f}
relig. missionary bishopMissionsbischof {m}
relig. missionary bishopricMissionsbistum {n}
relig. missionary ChristianityMissionschristentum {n}
relig. missionary churchMissionskirche {f}
educ. relig. missionary collegeMissionskollegium {n}
relig. missionary conferenceMissionskonferenz {f}
relig. missionary exhibitionMissionsausstellung {f}
hist. relig. missionary historyMissionsgeschichte {f}
bibl. hist. relig. missionary journey [esp. of St. Paul]Missionsreise {f} [bes. des hl. Paulus]
lit. relig. missionary literatureMissionsliteratur {f}
relig. missionary methodsMissionsmethoden {pl}
relig. missionary movementMissionsbewegung {f}
relig. missionary orderMissionsorden {m}
relig. missionary organizationMissionsorganisation {f}
missionary position [sexual intercourse position]Missionarsstellung {f} [Stellung beim Geschlechtsverkehr]
relig. missionary practiceMissionspraxis {f}
relig. missionary preachingMissionspredigt {f}
hist. relig. missionary ProtestantismMissionsprotestantismus {m}
educ. relig. missionary seminaryMissionsseminar {n}
relig. missionary sisterMissionsschwester {f}
relig. missionary societyMissionarsgesellschaft {f}
relig. missionary societyMissionsgesellschaft {f}
relig. missionary strategyMissionsstrategie {f}
relig. missionary territoryMissionsgebiet {n}
relig. missionary theologyMissionstheologie {f}
missionary workMissionierung {f}
relig. missionary workMissionsarbeit {f}
relig. missionary workMissionstätigkeit {f}
missionary workmissionarische Arbeit {f}
relig. missionary workerMissionär {m} [österr.]
missionary zealmissionarischer Eifer {m}
relig. missionary zeal [also fig.]Missionseifer {m} [auch fig.]
jobs relig. Mormon missionaryMormonenmissionar {m}
relig. proto-missionaryUrmissionar {m}
relig. street missionaryStraßenmissionar {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to do missionary workmissionarisch tätig sein
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. International Missionary Council <IMC>Internationaler Missionsrat {m} <IMR>
relig. Netherlands Missionary Society [Nederlandsch Zendeling Genootschap]Niederländische Missionsgesellschaft {f}
hist. relig. Rhenish Missionary SocietyRheinische Missionsgesellschaft {f}
relig. women's missionary societyFrauenmissionsgesellschaft {f}
relig. World Missionary ConferenceWeltmissionskonferenz {f}
4 Words: Nouns
conversion (by missionary work)Missionierung {f}
relig. Holy Spirit Missionary SistersSteyler Missionsschwestern {pl} <SSpS> [Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti]
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Evangelical Missionary Society in BaselBasler Mission {f}
hist. relig. German East Africa Missionary SocietyDeutsch-Ostafrikanische Missionsgesellschaft {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2014-03-31: A report from or about a missionary.
Q 2014-03-31: missionary report
A 2013-07-20: Suggest "Basel Missionary Society" or "Basel Mission" (EN proper names).
A 2012-06-12: missionary work
A 2005-09-21: missionary journal / paper / gazette

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