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English-German translation for: mixing
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Dictionary English German: mixing

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NOUN1   a mixing | mixings
NOUN2   mixing | -
VERB  to mix | mixed/mixt | mixed/mixt
mixing | mixes
SYNO   admixture | commixture | intermixture ... 
mixing {adj} {pres-p}
mixing {pres-p}vermischend
Vermengung {f}
audio electr. mus. mixing
Abmischen {n}
Durchmischung {f}
Mischen {n}
Vermischen {n} [Vermischung]
chem. mixingAnsatz {m} [von Gemischen etc. zur Verarbeitung]
mixingMischung {f} [das Mischen]
mixingVermengen {n}
mixingVermischung {f}
audio mus. mixing [a step in sound production]Abmischung {f}
2 Words: Others
mixing upvermengend
self-mixing {adj} {pres-p}selbstmischend
2 Words: Nouns
air mixingLuftverwirbelung {f} [Mischvorgang]
colour mixing [Br.]Farbmischung {f}
concrete mixingBetonmischen {n}
concrete-mixingBetonmischen {n}
audio mus. mixing amplifierMischverstärker {m}
mixing apparatusMischapparat {m}
tech. mixing attachment [of mixer]Mischaufsatz {m} [an Mischgerät]
tech. mixing batteryMischbatterie {f}
mixing bowlMischbecher {m}
gastr. mixing bowlRührschüssel {f}
mixing bowl [for pastry]Teigschüssel {f}
mixing chamberGeräteansaugkammer {f}
mixing chamberLuftkammer {f} [Katalysator]
mixing chamberMischkammer {f}
tech. mixing chamberMischkammer / Mischungskammer {f} [in einem Gerät, für Substanzen]
electr. tech. mixing circuitMischkreis {m} [selten für: Mischschaltung]
electr. tech. mixing circuitMischschaltung {f}
mixing coneMischkegel {m}
mixing consoleMischpult {n}
mixing cupMischbecher {m}
mixing cylinderMischzylinder {m}
mixing effectMischeffekt {m} [Mischwirkung]
mixing effectMischwirkung {f}
mixing elementMischelement {n}
dent. mixing flaskAnrührbecher {m}
meteo. mixing fogMischungsnebel {m}
mixing glassRührglas {n}
mixing inZumischung {f}
mixing layerMischschicht {f}
tech. mixing machineMischmaschine {f}
mixing machineRührmaschine {f}
phys. mixing matrixMischungsmatrix {f}
art cosmet. mixing paletteMischpalette {f}
mixing plantMischanlage {f}
mixing pondMischbecken {n}
mixing pondMischwanne {f}
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A 2024-03-24: To Elysio – mixing up (1) gifts, from (2) money/assets in the hands of another
A 2017-08-09: mixing breaker plate system
A 2015-12-13: Some people make a fine art out of mixing metaphors
A 2015-03-17: Mixing up your characters? ;-)
A 2013-11-22: mixing slap könnte eine (Misch-) Spatel sein...
A 2013-06-04: +None the worse for wear+ is mixing two phrases -
A 2011-06-08: @ Woonwoarl - you are mixing up chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I believe.
A 2010-08-03: You are right, I keep mixing those up.
A 2010-05-02: You're mixing your English up ;-))
A 2010-02-11: You are mixing up the continuous tense (verlaufsform) with the gerund,
A 2009-06-01: ? Are you mixing it up with "cleavage"?
A 2009-01-17: People who say +attrition-based pipeline+ turn the mixing of metaphors int...
A 2007-12-19: I think you're right - the author is mixing it up with "whet your appetite".
A 2007-12-11: (special) mixing valve ... ?? hmmm kann nix genaueres finden .....
Q 2007-09-07: Mixing up words
A 2007-09-04: ? http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22gear+mill%22+mixing&btnG=Searc...
A 2007-07-20: Mixing German and English: Denglish / Germish
A 2007-07-19: but you also use Läuterzucker for baking, cooking and mixing cocktails
A 2007-06-19: I'd stick to Ruhrpott or Berlin slang without mixing it
A 2006-11-20: mixing the two concepts, we do seem to be veering into pimp territory .....

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